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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, B, C, E, T and U

ABDUCENTabducent adj. (Obsolete) Drawing away from the median axis of the body, as a muscle; see etymology abducting.
abducent n. That which abducts.
abducent n. (Neuroanatomy) An abducens nerve.
ABDUCTEDabducted v. Simple past tense and past participle of abduct.
abducted adj. Having been kidnapped; having become the victim of an abduction.
ABDUCT v. to carry someone away with force; to kidnap.
ABDUCTEEabductee n. An abducted person, in particular a person abducted by aliens.
ABDUCTEE n. one who is abducted.
BACULITEbaculite n. (Paleontology) Any of the extinct genus Baculites of cephalopod heteromorph ammonites.
BACULITE n. a fossil of the genus Baculites, allied to the ammonites, with a straight, tapering shell.
BATHCUBEbathcube n. Alternative form of bath cube.
bath␣cube n. Bath salts in the form of a cube that dissolves when placed in water.
BATHCUBE n. a fragrant cube for dissolving in a bath.
BLUECOATbluecoat n. (Britain) A traditional dress code at certain prestigious British schools.
bluecoat n. (US history) A soldier or officer in the Union army during the American Civil War.
bluecoat n. (Dated) A policeman.
CARBURETcarburet v. (Transitive) To react with carbon.
carburet v. (Transitive) To mix (air) with hydrocarbons, especially with petroleum, as in an internal combustion engine.
carburet n. (Chemistry, dated) A carbide.
CLUBMATEclubmate n. A person who is in the same club as another person.
CLUBMATE n. a fellow member of a club.
CUBATUREcubature n. The process of determining the solid or cubic contents of a body.
CUBATURE n. the process of finding the cubic content of a body, also CUBAGE.
CUTTABLEcuttable adj. That can be cut.
CUTTABLE adj. able to be cut.
EXCUBANTexcubant adj. (Formal) Watchful; keeping watch or guarding.
EXCUBANT adj. on guard.
INCUBATEincubate v. (Transitive) To brood, raise, or maintain eggs, organisms, or living tissue through the provision of…
incubate v. (Transitive, figurative) To incubate metaphorically; to ponder an idea slowly and deliberately as if…
INCUBATE v. to warm eggs for hatching.
SUBACTEDsubacted v. Simple past tense and past participle of subact.
SUBACT v. to subdue.
SUBACUTEsubacute adj. (Pathology) Less than acute.
subacute adj. (Biology) Having a pointed tip, but with a broad or slightly rounded angle.
subacute n. (Medicine) A patient whose condition is less than acute.
SUBCASTEsubcaste n. A subgrouping of a caste.
SUBCASTE n. a subdivision of a caste.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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