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There are 16 eight-letter words containing A, B, C, E, R and U

ARBUSCLEarbuscle n. (Botany) A plant midway in height between a shrub and a tree; a dwarf tree.
arbuscle n. (Mycology) A branched hypha in some fungi.
arbuscle n. (Mycology) The site at which a symbiotic fungus attaches to the roots of a plant and exchanges nutrients…
BARBECUEbarbecue n. A fireplace or pit for grilling food, typically used outdoors and traditionally employing hot charcoal…
barbecue n. A meal or event highlighted by food cooked in such an apparatus.
barbecue n. Meat, especially pork or beef, which has been cooked in such an apparatus (i.e. smoked over indirect…
BARLEDUCBar-le-Duc prop.n. A commune, the capital of the Meuse department, Grand Est, France.
BARLEDUC n. a kind of gooseberry jam.
BAROUCHEbarouche n. A four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage with collapsible half-hood, two double seats facing each other…
BAROUCHE n. a four-wheeled hooded carriage.
BERCEAUXBERCEAU n. (French) a cradle, a covered walk.
BRUCELLAbrucella n. Any of a group of pathogenic bacteria of the genus Brucella.
Brucella prop.n. Several gram-negative bacteria that are pathogenic to humans and animals…
BRUCELLA n. Any of a genus of harmful bacteria.
BUCKRAKEBUCKRAKE n. a large agricultural rake, often attached to a tractor.
CANEGRUBcanegrub n. A grub that eats the roots of sugar cane.
CANEGRUB n. any of various species of beetle native to Australia.
CARBURETcarburet v. (Transitive) To react with carbon.
carburet v. (Transitive) To mix (air) with hydrocarbons, especially with petroleum, as in an internal combustion engine.
carburet n. (Chemistry, dated) A carbide.
CORBEAUSCORBEAU n. (French) a blackish green colour.
CUBATUREcubature n. The process of determining the solid or cubic contents of a body.
CUBATURE n. the process of finding the cubic content of a body, also CUBAGE.
CUDBEARScudbears n. Plural of cudbear.
CUDBEAR n. a purple or reddish dyestuff obtained from various lichens.
CURBABLEcurbable adj. Capable of being curbed.
CURBABLE adj. able to be curbed.
SUBRACESsubraces n. Plural of subrace.
SUBRACE n. a subdivision of a race.
UNBRACEDunbraced v. Simple past tense and past participle of unbrace.
unbraced adj. Not braced.
UNBRACE v. to free from braces.
UNBRACESunbraces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unbrace.
UNBRACE v. to free from braces.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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