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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, B, C, E and 2R

BARRACESBARRACE n. (obsolete) the lists in a tournament.
BRACEROSbraceros n. Plural of bracero.
Braceros prop.n. Plural of Bracero.
BRACERO n. (Spanish) a Mexican labourer.
BRANCHERbrancher n. That which shoots forth branches; one who shows growth in various directions.
brancher n. (Falconry) A young owl or other raptor that is just too young to fly. So called because of the bird…
BRANCHER n. a young hawk or other bird when it leaves the nest and begins to take to the branches.
BREACHERbreacher n. One who breaches.
BREACHER n. one who breaches.
BROACHERbroacher n. A broach, a spit.
broacher n. One who broaches, opens, or utters; a first promoter or publisher.
BROACHER n. a spit; a broach.
CARBORNECARBORNE adj. travelling by car.
CARBURETcarburet v. (Transitive) To react with carbon.
carburet v. (Transitive) To mix (air) with hydrocarbons, especially with petroleum, as in an internal combustion engine.
carburet n. (Chemistry, dated) A carbide.
CATBRIERCATBRIER n. a thorny vine, also CATBRIAR.
CEREBRALcerebral adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of, or relating to the brain, cerebrum, or cerebral cortex.
cerebral adj. Intellectual rather than emotional or physical.
cerebral adj. (Linguistics, obsolete) Retroflex.
CRABBERScrabbers n. Plural of crabber.
CRABBER n. a crab fisherman.
CRABBIERcrabbier adj. Comparative form of crabby: more crabby.
CRABBY adj. ill-tempered.
CRIBRATEcribrate adj. Cribriform.
CRIBRATE adj. perforated like a sieve, also CRIBROUS, CRIBROSE.
CYBERWARcyberwar n. (Uncountable) Cyberwarfare.
cyberwar n. (Countable) A cyberwarfare war.
CYBERWAR n. crippling an enemy state's computer communication.
EMBRACERembracer n. A person who embraces.
embracer n. Alternative form of embraceor (“person guilty of embracery”).
EMBRACER n. a person who seeks to influence jurors by corrupt means, also EMBRACEOR, EMBRASOR.
MACABRERMACABRE adj. grim, gruesome, also MACABER.
REBRACEDrebraced v. Simple past tense and past participle of rebrace.
REBRACE v. to brace again.
REBRACESrebraces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rebrace.
REBRACE v. to brace again.
REBRANCHrebranch v. (Intransitive) To branch again.
REBRANCH v. to form secondary branches.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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