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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, B, C, E and 2L

BALLETICballetic adj. Pertaining to or suitable for ballet.
BALLETIC adj. relating to ballet.
BECALLEDbecalled v. Simple past tense and past participle of becall.
be␣called v. To have a specific name.
BECALL v. to call names.
BELLCASTBELLCAST adj. designating a style of roof architecture.
BLACKLEGblackleg n. (Uncountable, agriculture, veterinary medicine) A fatal cattle disease caused by the soil-borne bacterium…
blackleg n. (Countable) A person who cheats in a game; a cheater, especially a dishonest bookmaker.
blackleg n. (Countable) A person who takes the place of striking workers; a scab.
BRUCELLAbrucella n. Any of a group of pathogenic bacteria of the genus Brucella.
Brucella prop.n. Several gram-negative bacteria that are pathogenic to humans and animals…
BRUCELLA n. Any of a genus of harmful bacteria.
BUCELLASBucellas n. A Portuguese wine from an area to the north of Lisbon.
BUCELLAS n. (Portuguese) a white wine from Bucellas near Lisbon.
BULLACESbullaces n. Plural of bullace.
BULLACE n. a small wild plum fruit and tree.
CABALLEDcaballed v. Simple past tense and past participle of cabal.
CABAL v. to conspire.
CABALLERcaballer n. One who cabals; a plotter or intriguer.
CABALLER n. one who cabals, intrigues.
CALLABLEcallable adj. (Programming) That can be called.
callable adj. (Finance) That may be redeemed by its holder before it matures.
callable n. (Programming) An object of a type that can be called, such as a function.
CLOSABLEclosable adj. Alternative spelling of closeable.
CLOSABLE adj. able to be closed, also CLOSEABLE.
CLUBABLEclubable adj. Alternative form of clubbable.
CLUBABLE adj. sociable.
CRIBELLAcribella n. Plural of cribellum.
CRIBELLUM n. (Latin) a spinning organ of spiders.
CULPABLEculpable adj. Meriting condemnation, censure or blame, especially as something wrong, harmful or injurious; blameworthy, guilty.
CULPABLE adj. blameworthy.
ICEBALLSiceballs n. Plural of iceball.
ICEBALL n. a ball game played on ice.
LOCKABLElockable adj. Capable of being locked.
LOCKABLE adj. able to be locked.
PLACABLEplacable adj. Able to be easily pacified; quick to forgive.
placable adj. Peaceable; quiet.
placable adj. (Obsolete) Having the effect of pacifying, appeasing or pleasing.
SCALABLEscalable adj. Capable of being climbed.
scalable adj. Able to be changed in scale; resizeable.
scalable adj. (Computing, logistics, business) Able to greatly increase in capacity, with relative ease.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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