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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing A, 2B, C, I and R

BARBARICbarbaric adj. Of or relating to a barbarian; uncivilized, uncultured or uncouth.
BARBARIC adj. uncivilized.
BARBICANbarbican n. A tower at the entrance to a castle or fortified town.
barbican n. A fortress at the end of a bridge.
barbican n. An opening in the wall of a fortress through which the guns are levelled; a narrow loophole through…
BARBICELbarbicel n. Any of the hooks on the barbules of a feather that interlock adjacent barbs.
BARBICEL n. one of the small hooklike processes on the barbules of feathers.
BRICKBATbrickbat n. A piece of brick used as a weapon, especially if thrown, or placed in something like a sock and used as a club.
brickbat n. (Figurative) A criticism or uncomplimentary remark.
brickbat v. (Transitive) To attack by throwing brickbats.
CRABBIERcrabbier adj. Comparative form of crabby: more crabby.
CRABBY adj. ill-tempered.
CRABBILYcrabbily adv. In a crabby manner.
CRABBY adv. ill-tempered.
CRABBINGcrabbing v. Present participle of crab.
crabbing n. The act or art of catching crabs.
crabbing n. (Falconry) The fighting of hawks with each other.
CRIBBAGEcribbage n. (Card games) A point-counting card game for two players, with variants for three or four players; the…
cribbage n. A variety of pocket billiards that, like the card game, awards points for pairs that total 15. A player…
cribbage n. A point scored in this variety of pocket billiards.
GABBROICgabbroic adj. Of, pertaining to, or containing gabbro.
GABBROIC adj. of or like gabbro, also GABBROID, GABBROITIC.
RABBINICrabbinic adj. Relating to rabbis.
rabbinic adj. Formulated or enacted by rabbis.
RABBINIC adj. (Hebrew) of or pertaining to the rabbins, also RABBINICAL.
SCABBIERscabbier adj. Comparative form of scabby: more scabby.
SCABBY adj. covered with scabs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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