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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing 2A, N, 2T and U

ADJUTANTadjutant n. (Military) A lower-ranking officer who assists a higher-ranking officer with administrative affairs.
adjutant n. An assistant.
adjutant n. (Zoology) Any bird of the genus Leptoptilos, a branch of the stork family (Ciconiidae) native to India…
AQUATINTaquatint n. A form of etching with acid on a plate partially covered with varnish that produces a print somewhat…
aquatint n. An etching or print made using this method.
aquatint v. To make such etchings.
SATURANTsaturant adj. Impregnating to the full; saturating.
saturant n. A substance which is used to saturate another.
saturant n. (Medicine) An antacid, such as magnesia, used to reduce stomach acidity.
TALAUNTSTALAUNT n. (Spenser) a talon, also TALANT, TALON.
TANTALUMtantalum n. A chemical element (symbol Ta) with atomic number 73: a rare, hard, blue-gray, lustrous transition metal…
TANTALUM n. an acid-resistant metallic element, useful for electronic and surgical parts.
TANTALUStantalus n. A stork of the genus Mycteria (formerly Tantalus), especially the American wood stork, Mycteria americana.
tantalus n. A stand in which to lock up drink decanters while keeping them visible.
tantalus n. Something of an evasive or retreating nature, something consistently out of reach; a tantalising thing.
TUTANIASTUTANIA n. a type of Britannia metal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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