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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2A, M, O, S and T

AGAMONTSagamonts n. Plural of agamont.
AGAMONT n. in protozoans, a SCHIZONT, a mature trophozoite about to reproduce by schizogony.
AMATIONSAMATION n. lovemaking.
ANIMATOSanimatos n. Plural of animato.
ANIMATO n. (Italian) a passage to be played in a lively manner.
ATAMASCOatamasco n. Short for Atamasco lily.
ATAMASCO n. a plant of the southeastern US, bearing a single white lilylike flower.
ATEMOYASatemoyas n. Plural of atemoya.
ATEMOYA n. a tropical fruit of a tree that is a hybrid of the sweetsop and the cherimoya.
AUTOMATSautomats n. Plural of automat.
AUTOMAT n. a restaurant or shop where hot dishes are obtained from slot machines.
BLASTOMAblastoma n. (Pathology) A tumour that is caused by malignancies in precursor cells or blasts.
BLASTOMA n. a type of tumour.
BOATSMANboatsman n. A boatman.
BOATSMAN n. a man who works on a boat, also BOATMAN.
HOASTMANhoastman n. (Historical) A member of an old merchant guild in Newcastle, in charge of coal shipping, etc.
HOASTMAN n. a member of an old merchant guild.
MAJORATSmajorats n. Plural of majorat.
MAJORAT n. (French) primogeniture, the circumstance of being firstborn.
MARCATOSMARCATO n. a musical passage with strong accentuation.
MATADORSmatadors n. Plural of matador.
MATADOR n. the bullfighter who kills the bull in a bullfight, also MATADORE.
METASOMAmetasoma n. (Entomology) The posterior part of the body of an arthropod.
METASOMA n. the posterior part of an arachnid's abdomen.
OATMEALSoatmeals n. Plural of oatmeal.
OATMEAL n. meal made from oats.
STEATOMAsteatoma n. (Medicine) A cyst containing matter like suet.
STEATOMA n. (Greek) a cyst containing matter like suet.
STOMATALstomatal adj. Relating to, or containing, a stoma.
STOMATAL adj. pertaining to the stoma, also STOMAL.
STROMATAstromata n. Plural of stroma.
STROMA n. (Latin) a supporting framework of connecting tissue.
TAMARAOStamaraos n. Plural of tamarao.
TAMARAO n. (Tagalog) a small wild buffalo of the Philippines, also TAMARAU, TIMARAU.
TOKAMAKStokamaks n. Plural of tokamak.
TOKAMAK n. (Russian) a toroidal device used in fusion, also TOKOMAK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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