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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing 2A, M, O, P and R

AMPHORAEamphorae n. Plural of amphora.
AMPHORA n. (Latin) a two-handled jar.
AMPHORALamphoral adj. Of, pertaining to, or in the shape of an amphora.
AMPHORAL adj. relating to an amphora.
AMPHORASamphoras n. Plural of amphora.
AMPHORA n. (Latin) a two-handled jar.
DOXAPRAMdoxapram n. A respiratory stimulant.
DOXAPRAM n. a drug used as a respiratory stimulant.
MALAPROPmalaprop adj. Characterized by the use of malapropisms.
malaprop n. A malapropism.
malaprop v. To use a malapropism.
MARIPOSAmariposa n. A mariposa lily (Calochortus).
Mariposa prop.n. A former municipality of Ontario, Canada, now part of the city of Kawartha Lakes.
Mariposa prop.n. A rural municipality of Saskatchewan, Canada.
PANORAMApanorama n. An unbroken view of an entire surrounding area.
panorama n. A picture or series of pictures representing a continuous scene.
panorama n. (Figuratively) A comprehensive survey.
PARAFORMparaform n. Synonym of paraformaldehyde.
PARAFORM n. a substance used as an antiseptic.
PARAMOURparamour n. (Somewhat archaic) An illicit lover, either male or female.
paramour n. (Obsolete) The Virgin Mary or Jesus Christ (when addressed by a person of the opposite sex).
paramour v. To go with a paramour; to have an affair.
PAROEMIAparoemia n. A proverb.
PAROEMIA n. (Greek) a proverb, adage or saying.
PAROSMIAparosmia n. (Pathology) A distorted sense of smell, often resulting in the apparent detection of non-existent smells…
PAROSMIA n. a distortion of the sense of smell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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