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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2A, L, P and 2S

APLASIASaplasias n. Plural of aplasia.
APLASIA n. defective development or absence of an organ.
ASPHALTSasphalts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of asphalt.
ASPHALT v. to coat with a bituminous pitch.
LAMPASESlampases n. Plural of lampas.
LAMPAS n. inflammation of the roof of a horse's mouth, also LAMPASSE, LAMPERS.
LAMPASSElampasse n. A colored cloth stripe sewn along the outer seam of uniform trousers.
lampasse n. (Countable, uncountable) Alternative form of lampas (fabric).
lampasse n. (Uncountable) Alternative form of lampas (inflammation).
LAPSANGSlapsangs n. Plural of lapsang.
LAPSANG n. (Chinese) a variety of souchong tea with a smoky flavour.
PARASOLSparasols n. Plural of parasol.
PARASOL n. a small, light umbrella.
PASCHALSPASCHAL n. a candle used in religious ceremonies.
PASCUALSPascuals prop.n. Plural of Pascual.
PASCUAL n. a plant that grows in pasture.
PASSABLEpassable adj. That may be passed or traversed.
passable adj. Tolerable; adequate; no more than satisfactory.
passable adj. (Sociology) able to "pass", or be accepted as a member of a race, sex or other group to which society…
PASSABLYpassably adv. In a passable fashion; moderately; adequately.
PASSABLE adv. fairly good or acceptable.
SAILPASTSAILPAST n. the sailing of ships past a place.
SALPIANSsalpians n. Plural of salpian.
SALPIAN n. a free-swimming small marine animal, also SALPA, SALP, SALPID.
SALTPANSsaltpans n. Plural of saltpan.
salt␣pans n. Plural of salt pan.
SALTPAN n. a large pan for making salt by evaporation.
SCAPULASscapulas n. Plural of scapula.
SCAPULA n. (Latin) a bone in the shoulder.
SLAPDASHslapdash adj. Produced or carried out hastily; haphazard; careless.
slapdash adv. In a hasty or careless manner.
slapdash adv. Directly, right there; slap-bang.
SPATULASspatulas n. Plural of spatula.
SPATULA n. (Latin) a broad, blunt, flexible blade or flattened spoon, also SPATULE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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