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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2A, L, O, P and R

AMPHORALamphoral adj. Of, pertaining to, or in the shape of an amphora.
AMPHORAL adj. relating to an amphora.
APPROVALapproval n. An expression granting permission; an indication of agreement with a proposal; an acknowledgement that…
approval n. An expression of favorable acceptance and encouragement; a compliment that also condones.
approval n. (Especially philately) Something mailed by a seller to a collector to match their stated interests;…
CAPORALScaporals n. Plural of caporal.
CAPORAL n. (French) a coarse, strong, dark tobacco.
COPLANARcoplanar adj. (Geometry, of at least two things, usually lines or plane figures) Within the same plane.
coplanar adj. (Astronomy, of multiple planets or other orbiting bodies) Orbiting a central celestial object within…
COPLANAR adj. on the same plane.
CRAPOLASCRAPOLA n. (colloquial) rubbish, nonsense.
LAPBOARDlapboard n. A board held on the lap as a simple lap desk.
LAPBOARD n. a board used on the lap as a substitute for a table, as by tailors.
MALAPROPmalaprop adj. Characterized by the use of malapropisms.
malaprop n. A malapropism.
malaprop v. To use a malapropism.
PALPATORpalpator n. One who palpates.
palpator n. A device for palpating.
palpator n. (Zoology, dated) One of a family of clavicorn beetles, including those which have very long maxillary palpi.
PARABOLAparabola n. (Geometry) The conic section formed by the intersection of a cone with a plane parallel to a tangent…
parabola n. (Rhetoric) The explicit drawing of a parallel between two essentially dissimilar things, especially…
PARABOLA n. (Greek) a type of curve, one of the conic sections.
PARABOLEparabole n. (Rhetoric) similitude; comparison.
PARABOLE n. a rhetorical comparison.
PARAFOILparafoil n. A parachute, kite or glider with an aerofoil-shaped fabric canopy or wing.
parafoil n. The wing or sail of such an apparatus.
PARAFOIL n. a type of steerable parachute.
PARALOGYparalogy n. (Logic) paralogism, fallacy.
paralogy n. (Biology) A paralogous relationship.
PARALOGY n. false reasoning.
PARASOLSparasols n. Plural of parasol.
PARASOL n. a small, light umbrella.
PARFOCALparfocal adj. Having multiple lenses that have corresponding focal points in the same plane.
PARFOCAL adj. having lenses with corresponding focal points in the same plane.
PARLANDOparlando n. (Music) A piece of music to be sung or played in the style of a recitative.
parlando adj. Declamatory in style; in recitative.
parlando adv. In a declamatory style.
PASTORALpastoral adj. Of or pertaining to shepherds or herders of other livestock.
pastoral adj. Relating to rural life and scenes, in particular of poetry.
pastoral adj. Relating to the care of souls, to the pastor of a church or to any local religious leader charged with…
PATRONALpatronal adj. Patron; protecting; favouring.
patronal adj. Pertaining to a strong authoritarian leader who controls access to resources.
PATRONAL adj. of or like a patron.
PODAGRALpodagral adj. Relating to podagra.
PODAGRAL adj. relating to podagra, gout, also PODAGRIC, PODAGRICAL, PODAGROUS.
PSORALEApsoralea n. Any of the plants of the genus Psoralea.
Psoralea prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Fabaceae – plants including prairie turnip, babchi, and certain tumbleweeds.
PSORALEA n. a plant of the bean family.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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