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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2A, 2L, N and T

ALLANITEallanite n. (Mineralogy) Any of a group of silicate minerals that are a source of rare earth metals.
ALLANITE n. a silicate containing a large amount of cerium.
ATONALLYatonally adv. In an atonal manner; without tone.
ATONAL adv. not referring to any scale or tonic.
BALLANTSBALLANT v. to make ballads about, also BALLAD, BALLAT, BALLET.
CALLANTScallants n. Plural of callant.
CALLANT n. (Scots) a boy, a fellow, also CALLAN.
FLATLANDflatland n. Synonym of plain: land of relatively constant altitude, usually exclusive of forests, deserts, and wastelands.
flatland n. (Ireland, informal) An urban region with many flats or apartments to rent.
FLATLAND n. land lacking variation in elevation.
GALLANTSgallants n. Plural of gallant.
Gallants prop.n. Plural of Gallant.
Gallants prop.n. A town in Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
LANITALSLANITAL n. a woollike fibre.
MANTILLAmantilla n. A lace veil of Spanish origin worn over a woman’s hair and shoulders.
mantilla n. A woman’s light cloak or cape made of silk, velvet, lace, or other material.
Mantilla prop.n. A surname.
SANTALOLsantalol n. (Organic chemistry) Either of a pair of sesquiterpenes found in sandalwood.
SANTALOL n. sandalwood oil.
STALLMANstallman n. One who keeps a stall for the sale of merchandise, especially books.
stallman n. (Mining, historical) A subcontractor in charge of a stall or working place.
Stallman prop.n. A surname.
TALLYMANtallyman n. A person who keeps a tally of something.
tallyman n. A man who conducts the tally trade.
tallyman n. (Informal, regional, archaic) A man who cohabits (with someone) outside of marriage.
TARNALLYTARNAL adv. (US slang) eternal, damned.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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