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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2A, I, S, T and U

AMAUTIKSamautiks n. Plural of amautik.
AMAUTIK n. (Inuit) an Inuit woman's parka, also AMAUT, AMAUTI, AMOWT.
AMIANTUSamiantus n. Alternative spelling of amianthus.
AMIANTUS n. (Greek) the finest fibrous asbestos.
AQUAFITSAQUAFIT n. a type of aerobic exercise performed in water.
AQUARISTaquarist n. A person who maintains an aquarium.
AQUARIST n. a curator of an aquarium, also AQUARIIST.
AQUATICSaquatics n. Plural of aquatic.
aquatics n. Sports involving water.
AQUATIC n. an organism living in or near water.
AQUAVITSaquavits n. Plural of aquavit.
AQUAVIT n. (Norwegian) a Scandinavian spirit made from potatoes or grain and flavoured with caraway seeds, also AKVAVIT.
AUTOPSIAautopsia n. Archaic form of autopsy.
AUTOPSIA n. a postmortem examination of a corpse, also AUTOPSY.
EUTAXIASEUTAXIA n. the property of being easily melted, also EUTEXIA.
FAUSTIANFaustian adj. Of or pertaining to Faust, especially in the sense of being willing to abandon one’s principles or values…
FAUSTIAN adj. in the manner of Faust.
TIMARAUStimaraus n. Plural of timarau.
TIMARAU n. (Tagalog) a small buffalo of the Philippines, also TAMARAU, TAMARAO.
TUTANIASTUTANIA n. a type of Britannia metal.
ZAIBATSUzaibatsu n. (Economics) A Japanese ‘money clique’ or conglomerate; (by extension) in the United States, any large corporation.
ZAIBATSU n. (Japanese) a powerful, family-controlled Japanese combine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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