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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing 2A, I, 2M and S

ALARMISMalarmism n. The raising of needless alarms.
ALARMISM n. the practice of alarming others needlessly.
AMMIRALSammirals n. Plural of ammiral.
AMMIRAL n. (Milton) a naval commander, also ADMIRAL.
AMMONIASammonias n. Plural of ammonia.
AMMONIA n. a pungent compound.
DIGAMMASdigammas n. Plural of digamma.
DIGAMMA n. (Greek) a letter of the Greek alphabet, which early fell into disuse.
IMAMATESimamates n. Plural of imamate.
Imamates n. Plural of Imamate.
IMAMATE n. (Arabic) the office of an imam.
MACARISMmacarism n. Happiness as a result of praise.
macarism n. Beatitude.
MACARISM n. a beatitude.
MACRAMISMACRAMI n. (Turkish) a fringe or trimming of knotted thread, also MACRAME.
MAINMASTmainmast n. (Nautical) The tallest mast of a sailing ship that has more than one mast; particularly a full-rigged ship.
main-mast n. Alternative spelling of mainmast.
MAINMAST n. the principal mast of a vessel.
MARASMICmarasmic adj. Relating to, or suffering from marasmus.
marasmic n. A person suffering from a marasmus.
MARASMIC adj. wasting away.
MARIMBASmarimbas n. Plural of marimba.
MARIMBA n. a percussion instrument resembling a xylophone.
MAXIMALSmaximals n. Plural of maximal.
MAXIMAL n. an element of a mathematical set that is followed by no other.
MIASMATAmiasmata n. Plural of miasma.
MIASMA n. (Greek) a noxious vapor, also MIASM.
SAMARIUMsamarium n. A chemical element (symbol Sm) with an atomic number of 62, a moderately hard silvery metal that slowly…
SAMARIUM n. a metallic element.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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