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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2A, I, L, R and V

ARCHIVALarchival adj. Of or pertaining to an archive or archiving.
archival adj. Of a material: having a quality suited to the conservational needs of archiving.
archival n. (Uncountable) The practice of storing items in an archive; archiving; (countable) an instance of this.
ARRIVALSarrivals n. Plural of arrival.
ARRIVAL n. the act of arriving.
AVICULARavicular adj. Of or pertaining to a bird or to birds.
AVICULAR adj. pertaining to birds.
CALVARIAcalvaria n. (Anatomy) The dome or roof of the skull, the skullcap.
CALVARIA n. the upper part of the skull enclosing the brain in vertebrates, also CALVARIUM.
CARNIVALcarnival n. Any of a number of festivals held just before the beginning of Lent.
carnival n. A festive occasion marked by parades and sometimes special foods and other entertainment.
carnival n. (US) A traveling amusement park, called a funfair in British English.
CAVALIERcavalier adj. Not caring enough about something important.
cavalier adj. High-spirited.
cavalier adj. Supercilious.
HAVILDARhavildar n. (India, Pakistan, Nepal) An noncommissioned officer rank in parts of India, later a specific military…
HAVILDAR n. (Urdu) the rank of sergeant in the Indian army.
LAVALIERlavalier n. An item of jewellery consisting of a pendant, sometimes with one stone, suspended from a necklace.
lavalier n. A kind of microphone intended to clip onto the lapel at about the level of the pendant on a lavalier.
LAVALIER n. (French) a loosely-tied bow; a jewelled pendant, also LAVALIERE, LAVALLIERE.
PARAVAILparavail adj. At the bottom; lowest (said of feudal tenants).
PARAVAIL adj. below others in rank, as in tenant paravail: a tenant who held from another who was himself a tenant.
REAVAILSreavails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of reavail.
REAVAIL v. to avail again.
SALIVARYsalivary adj. Relating to saliva.
salivary n. A salivary gland.
SALIVARY adj. relating to saliva, also SALIVAL.
TRAVAILStravails n. Plural of travail.
travails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of travail.
TRAVAIL v. to toil.
VALERIANvalerian n. A hardy perennial flowering plant, Valeriana officinalis, with heads of sweetly scented pink or white flowers.
valerian n. More generally, any plant of the genus Valeriana.
valerian n. (Uncountable) The root of Valeriana officinalis, used in herbal medicine.
VARIABLEvariable adj. Able to vary or be varied.
variable adj. Likely to vary.
variable adj. Marked by diversity or difference.
VARIABLYvariably adv. In a variable manner.
VARIABLE adv. liable to vary.
VARICEALvariceal adj. Of or pertaining to a varix (or varices).
VARICEAL adj. of or relating to a varix.
VARIETALvarietal adj. (Biology) Pertaining to a distinct variety of organism.
varietal adj. Made from a single specific variety (especially of grapes in wine).
varietal adj. (Linguistics) Of or relating to a variety of a language.
VARIOLARvariolar adj. (Medicine) variolous.
VARIOLAR adj. of or like variola, smallpox.
VARIOLASvariolas n. Plural of variola.
VARIOLA n. (Latin) smallpox.
VICARIALvicarial adj. Of or pertaining to a vicar.
vicarial adj. Delegated; vicarious.
VICARIAL adj. of or pertaining to a vicar or vicars.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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