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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing 2A, I, L, O and P

ALOPECIAalopecia n. Baldness.
alopecia n. (Pathology) Deficiency of the hair, which may be caused by failure to grow or loss after growth.
alopecia n. (Medicine) Loss of hair (especially on the head) or loss of wool or feathers, whether natural or caused by disease.
APOLOGIAapologia n. A written defense of a position or belief.
APOLOGIA n. (Latin) a written defence.
HAPLOPIAhaplopia n. Binocular single vision, as opposed to diplopia.
HAPLOPIA n. normal vision.
LIPOMATAlipomata n. Plural of lipoma.
LIPOMA n. (Greek) a tumor of fatty tissue.
PALAMINOPALAMINO n. (Spanish) a horse of largely Arab blood, pale tan, yellow, or gold, with a white or silver mane and tail, also PALOMINO.
PALISADOpalisado n. (Fortification) Obsolete form of palisade.
palisado v. (Fortification) Obsolete form of palisade.
PALISADO v. to fortify with a fence of stakes, also PALISADE.
PARAFOILparafoil n. A parachute, kite or glider with an aerofoil-shaped fabric canopy or wing.
parafoil n. The wing or sail of such an apparatus.
PARAFOIL n. a type of steerable parachute.
PIANOLASpianolas n. Plural of pianola.
PIANOLA n. (tradename) a type of player piano.
SALOPIANSalopian n. A person from Shropshire.
Salopian n. A pupil of Shrewsbury School.
Salopian adj. (Britain) of or from Shropshire.
TALAPOINtalapoin n. A monkey from one of two species of Old World monkeys, of the genus Miopithecus, distinguished by a…
talapoin n. (Archaic, Buddhism) A Buddhist monk or priest.
TALAPOIN n. (Portuguese) a small green West African guenon monkey; a title of respect for a Buddhist monk.
TOPALGIATOPALGIA n. pain in a particular spot.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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