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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing 2A, 2I, L and N

ALIASINGaliasing v. Present participle of alias.
aliasing n. (Signal processing, graphics, sound recording) Distortion caused by a low sampling rate, such as a moiré…
ALIASING n. image imperfections resulting from limited detail in e.g. a raster display.
ALIZARINalizarin n. (Organic chemistry) A red substance, 1,2-dihydroxyanthraquinone, extracted from madder root and used as a dye.
ALIZARIN n. (Arabic) a colouring principle found in madder, and now made artificially, also ALIZARINE.
ANIMALICanimalic adj. (Rare) of or concerning animals.
ANIMALIC adj. of or like an animal, also ANIMALIAN.
AVAILINGavailing v. Present participle of avail.
availing adj. Efficacious.
availing n. (Dated) Effect in achieving a goal or aim; purpose, use.
FILARIANfilarian adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to filaria.
FILARIAN adj. relating to a filaria, a parasitic worm, also FILARIAL.
IMAGINALimaginal adj. Of or relating to the imagination, or to a mental image.
imaginal adj. Of or relating to the insect imago.
IMAGINAL adj. characterized by imagination; imaginative.
LACINIAElaciniae n. Plural of lacinia.
LACINIA n. (Latin) a long narrow lobe in a leaf.
MAINSAILmainsail n. (Nautical) The largest (or only) sail on a sailing vessel.
MAINSAIL n. the principal sail of a vessel.
SIALIDANSIALIDAN n. an alderfly, also SIALID.
UNIAXIALuniaxial adj. Having a single axis; monoaxial.
uniaxial adj. (Botany) Having a single stem, with no branches, that terminates in a flower.
UNIAXIAL adj. having one axis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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