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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 2A, H, R, S and U

ARCHAEUSarchaeus n. Alternative form of archeus.
ARCHAEUS n. an inner controlling spirit, also ARCHEUS.
ARETHUSAarethusa n. A bog orchid, Arethusa bulbosa, sole species of the genus Arethusa, having a magenta flower; the dragon’s mouth.
Arethusa prop.n. (Greek mythology) A nereid nymph, who became a fountain.
Arethusa prop.n. (Greek mythology) One of the Hesperides nymphs.
AUTARCHSautarchs n. Plural of autarch.
AUTARCH n. an absolute ruler.
BAHADURSbahadurs n. Plural of bahadur.
Bahadurs prop.n. Plural of Bahadur.
BAHADUR n. (Urdu) a Hindu title of respect, meaning hero or great one.
BRUHAHASbruhahas n. Plural of bruhaha.
BRUHAHA n. (French) a fuss, clamour, also BROUHAHA.
HAUSFRAUhausfrau n. Alternative letter-case form of Hausfrau.
Hausfrau n. (Informal) A traditional housewife.
HAUSFRAU n. (German) housewife.
SAHUAROSsahuaros n. Plural of sahuaro.
SAHUARO n. (Spanish) a giant cactus, that bears white flowers and a scaly reddish edible fruit, also SAGUARO.
SUBAHDARsubahdar n. Alternative form of subadar.
SUBAHDAR n. (Hindi) a native officer in an Indian regiment corresponding to a captain, also SUBADAR, SUBEDAR.
SURBAHARsurbahar n. A bass sitar.
SURBAHAR n. (Bengali) an Indian stringed instrument, larger than a sitar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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