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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2A, H, P, S and T

APATHIESapathies n. Plural of apathy.
APATHY n. indifference.
ASHPLANTashplant n. An ash sapling.
ashplant n. (Ireland) A walking stick.
ashplant n. A stick kept for administering corporal punishment, a cane.
ASPHALTSasphalts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of asphalt.
ASPHALT v. to coat with a bituminous pitch.
BASEPATHbasepath n. (Baseball) The grassless ways around the baseball diamond on which runners advance.
basepath n. (Pesäpallo) The path between two adjacent bases, such as between the first and the second base.
base␣path n. Alternative form of basepath.
CAPTCHAScaptchas n. Plural of captcha.
Captchas n. Plural of Captcha.
CAPTCHAs n. Plural of CAPTCHA.
CHAPATISchapatis n. Plural of chapati.
CHAPATI n. (Hindi) a thin piece of unleavened bread, also CHAPATTI, CHAPPATI.
NAPHTHASnaphthas n. Plural of naphtha.
NAPHTHA n. (Greek) a vague name for the liquid inflammable distillates from coal-tar, wood, etc., esp. the lighter and more volatile ones.
PARASHOTparashot n. Plural of parashah.
PARASHAH n. (Hebrew) a passage in Jewish literature.
PARATHASparathas n. Plural of paratha.
PARATHA n. (Hindi) a flat round cake of unleavened bread, traditionally eaten as an accompaniment to Indian food.
PATHWAYSpathways n. Plural of pathway.
PATHWAY n. a path.
PHANTASMphantasm n. Something seen but having no physical reality; a phantom or apparition.
phantasm n. (Philosophy) A impression as received by the senses, especially an image, often prior to any interpretation…
PHANTASM n. an airy or insubstantial figure, an apparition, also FANTASM.
PHANTASTphantast n. Alternative form of fantast.
PHANTAST n. an impractical person, also FANTAST.
PHANTASYphantasy n. Dated form of fantasy.
phantasy n. (Psychology) The innate, mental image of an object; the link between instinct and reality.
phantasy v. Dated form of fantasy.
PHEASANTpheasant n. A bird of family Phasianidae, often hunted for food.
PHEASANT n. a large, long-tailed bird.
PITARAHSpitarahs n. Plural of pitarah.
PITARAH n. (Hindi) a type of clothes basket, also PETARA, PITARA.
WARPATHSwarpaths n. Plural of warpath.
WARPATH n. the path followed on a military expedition.
ZAPTIAHSzaptiahs n. Plural of zaptiah.
ZAPTIAH n. (Turkish) a Turkish policeman, also ZABTIEH, ZAPTIEH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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