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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 11 eight-letter words containing 2A, H, N, R and T

AMARANTHamaranth n. (Dated, poetic) An imaginary flower that does not wither.
amaranth n. Any of various herbs of the genus Amaranthus.
amaranth n. The characteristic purplish-red colour of the flowers or leaves of these plants.
ANTHERALantheral adj. Relating to an anther.
ANTHERAL adj. relating to the pollen producing part of the stamen.
ATHANORSathanors n. Plural of athanor.
ATHANOR n. (Arabic) an alchemist's furnace.
CANTHARIcanthari n. Plural of cantharus.
CANTHARUS n. (Latin) a large two-handled cup.
EARTHMANearthman n. Alternative form of Earthman.
Earthman n. (Usually science fiction) A male inhabitant of Earth.
EARTHMAN n. a male inhabitant of the planet earth.
HANDCARThandcart n. A cart designed to be pulled or pushed by hand (As opposed to with a beast of burden.).
handcart v. (Transitive) To transport in this kind of cart.
hand-cart n. Alternative form of handcart.
HAURIANThauriant adj. (Heraldry) Of a fish, etc.: in a vertical orientation, with its head up (to chief) and tail down (to base).
HAURIANT adj. in heraldry, with head up, as rising to the surface to breathe, also HAURIENT.
MARATHONmarathon n. A 42.195 kilometre (26 mile 385 yard) road race.
marathon n. (Figuratively, by extension) Any extended or sustained activity.
marathon v. To run a marathon.
THANADARthanadar n. The commander of a thana; a police chief.
THANADAR n. (Hindi) an officer in charge of a tana, a police station, also TANADAR.
TRASHCANtrashcan n. Alternative form of trash can.
trash␣can n. (US) A receptacle which serves as a place to discard waste materials.
TRASHCAN n. a rubbish bin.
TRASHMANtrashman n. (US, Canada) Someone whose job it is to collect refuse from people’s homes and take it to be processed.
trash␣man n. Alternative form of trashman.
TRASHMAN n. a person who removes garbage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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