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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing 2A, H, N, O and T

ANTHODIAanthodia n. Plural of anthodium.
ANTHODIUM n. the flower head of certain plants.
ATHANORSathanors n. Plural of athanor.
ATHANOR n. (Arabic) an alchemist's furnace.
AUTOBAHNautobahn n. The high-speed intercity highways of Germany and Austria.
autobahn n. By analogy, any wide, high-speed road.
AUTOBAHN n. (German) a motorway.
HALATIONhalation n. The action of light surrounding some object as if making a halo.
halation n. The blurring of light around a bright area of a photographic image, or on a television screen.
HALATION n. a blurring of light in photographs.
HOASTMANhoastman n. (Historical) A member of an old merchant guild in Newcastle, in charge of coal shipping, etc.
HOASTMAN n. a member of an old merchant guild.
MARATHONmarathon n. A 42.195 kilometre (26 mile 385 yard) road race.
marathon n. (Figuratively, by extension) Any extended or sustained activity.
marathon v. To run a marathon.
THANATOSThanatos prop.n. (Greek mythology) The god of death (specifically of a peaceful death), and twin brother of Hypnos (god…
Thanatos n. (Psychoanalysis) The death drive in Freudian psychoanalysis.
THANATOS n. (Greek) in Freudian psychology, the urge for destruction or self-destruction.
XANTHOMAxanthoma n. (Medicine) A small, yellow nodule, rich in cholesterol and other lipids, that occurs in the skin, often near a joint.
XANTHOMA n. a skin disease marked by the development of irregular yellowish patches upon the skin, esp. upon the eyelids.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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