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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2A, H, I, L and N

ACHENIALachenial adj. Pertaining to an achene.
ACHENIAL adj. relating to an achene, also AKENIAL.
ANTHELIAanthelia n. Plural of anthelion.
Anthelia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Antheliaceae – a group of leafy liverworts.
ANTHELION n. (Greek) a ring seen opposite the sun.
APHELIANaphelian adj. (Astronomy) Relating to aphelion.
APHELIAN adj. relating to an aphelion, the point when the earth is farthest from the sun during its annual orbit.
CHAPLAINchaplain n. A member of a religious body who is (often, although not always, of the clergy) officially assigned…
chaplain n. A person without religious affiliation who carries out similar duties in a secular context.
Chaplain prop.n. A surname.
HALATIONhalation n. The action of light surrounding some object as if making a halo.
halation n. The blurring of light around a bright area of a photographic image, or on a television screen.
HALATION n. a blurring of light in photographs.
HALLIANSHALLIAN n. (Scots) a lout or lazy rascal, also HALLION, HALLYON.
HANDRAILhandrail n. A rail which can be held, such as on the side of a staircase, ramp or other walkway, and serving as…
handrail n. A moving continuous belt-like rail on either side of an escalator which users can hold on to for support.
HANDRAIL n. a railing used for support.
HANGNAILhangnail n. A loose, narrow strip of nail tissue protruding from the side edge and anchored near the base of a fingernail…
hangnail n. A pointed upper corner of the toenail (often created by improperly trimming by rounding the corner)…
HANGNAIL n. a piece of loose skin at the base of a fingernail.
HARMALINharmalin n. Alternative form of harmaline.
HARMALIN n. an alkaloid derived from harmala seeds, also HARMALINE, HARMIN, HARMINE.
HIELAMANhielaman n. An Australian Aboriginal shield, traditionally made from bark or wood.
HIELAMAN n. (Native Australian) an Australian Aboriginal narrow shield of bark and wood.
INHALANTinhalant adj. Intended for inhaling.
inhalant n. Something, especially a medication, that is inhaled.
INHALANT n. something that is inhaled.
NAILHEADnailhead n. The head of a nail.
NAILHEAD n. the top of a nail.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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