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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2A, G, S and 2T

AGITATESagitates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of agitate.
AGITATE v. to stir violently.
METATAGSmetatags n. Plural of metatag.
meta␣tags n. Plural of meta tag.
METATAG n. a tag having information about a webpage.
REGATTASregattas n. Plural of regatta.
REGATTA n. (Italian) a rowing or sailing competition.
SAGITTALsagittal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to or denoting the suture on top of the skull which runs between the parietal bones…
sagittal adj. Of or relating to an arrow; resembling an arrow; furnished with an arrowlike appendage.
SAGITTAL adj. shaped like an arrowhead, also SAGITTATE, SAGITTIFORM.
SAGITTASsagittas n. Plural of sagitta.
SAGITTA n. (Latin) a keystone.
STAGGARTstaggart n. A four-year-old male deer, identified by having three-pronged antlers.
STAGGART n. the male red deer when four years old, also STAGGARD.
STAGNANTstagnant adj. Lacking freshness, motion, or flow; decaying through stillness.
stagnant adj. (Figurative) Without progress or change; stale; inactive.
STAGNANT adj. like still and often foul water.
STAGNATEstagnate v. To cease motion, activity, or progress…
STAGNATE v. to become still and dull.
STIGMATAstigmata n. Plural of stigma.
Stigmata prop.n. (Religion, Christianity) bodily marks or sores, corresponding in location to the crucifixion wounds…
STIGMA n. (Latin) a mark of disgrace.
TAGGANTStaggants n. Plural of taggant.
TAGGANT n. a substance added to a product to indicate its source of manufacture.
TAUTAUGStautaugs n. Plural of tautaug.
TAUTAUG n. (Native American) a labroid fish of the North American coast, also TAUTOG.
WATTAGESwattages n. Plural of wattage.
WATTAGE n. an amount of power expressed in watts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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