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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2A, G, 2S and T

AGATISESAGATISE v. to cause to resemble agate, also AGATIZE.
AGELASTSagelasts n. Plural of agelast.
AGELAST n. (Greek) someone who never laughs.
ASSIGNATassignat n. (Now historical) A banknote used during the French Revolution, on the security of state land.
ASSIGNAT n. (historical) one of the paper bonds first issued in 1789 by the French government on the security of the appropriated church lands, and later accepted as notes of currency.
ASTANGASASTANGA n. (Sanskrit) a form of yoga, also ASHTANGA, ASTHANGA.
BASHTAGSbashtags n. Plural of bashtag.
BASHTAG n. a hashtag used for critical or abusive comments.
GANGSTASgangstas n. Plural of gangsta.
GANGSTA n. an aggressive, misogynistic style of rap music.
GASTHAUSGasthaus prop.n. A surname from German.
GASTHAUS n. (German) a small hotel in Germany.
GASTREASGASTREA n. a hypothetical ancestor of the Metazoa, sponges etc., also GASTRAEA.
HASHTAGShashtags n. Plural of hashtag.
HASHTAG n. a word or name preceded by a hash symbol used to indicate the contents of a message on a social media site.
LASTAGESlastages n. Plural of lastage.
LASTAGE n. a duty formerly paid for the right of carrying goods, etc.
MATGRASSmatgrass n. The grass Nardus stricta.
matgrass n. Matweed.
matgrass n. (Australia) Spinifex hirsutus (rolling grass).
SAGITTASsagittas n. Plural of sagitta.
SAGITTA n. (Latin) a keystone.
SANGHATSSANGHAT n. (Punjabi) a fellowship or assembly, esp. a local Sikh community or congregation.
SASTRUGAsastruga n. Any of a series of long, wavelike ridges or grooves formed on a snow surface by the wind, especially…
SASTRUGA n. (Russian) long parallel ridges of snow that form on windy plains, also ZASTRUGA.
SATSANGSSATSANG n. (Sanskrit) a sacred gathering in Hinduism.
SAVAGESTsavagest adj. Superlative form of savage: most savage.
SAVAGE adj. fierce, uncivilized.
TASSWAGEtasswage cont. (Obsolete, poetic) to assuage.
TASSWAGE v. (obsolete) to assuage.
WASTAGESwastages n. Plural of wastage.
WASTAGE n. something that is wasted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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