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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing 2A, G, H, N and T

AGNATHANagnathan adj. (Zoology) Belonging or pertaining to the superclass Agnatha, the jawless vertebrates.
agnathan n. (Zoology) A member of the superclass Agnatha of jawless vertebrates.
AGNATHAN n. any of a family of eellike fishes, including the lamprey.
ASHTANGAashtanga n. The classical system described in the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali.
ashtanga n. Any of several styles of yoga; including ashtanga vinyasa yoga.
ASHTANGA n. a form of yoga aiming to synchronize breathing and posture, also ASTANGA, ASTHANGA.
ASTHANGAASTHANGA n. (Sanskrit) a form of yoga, also ASHTANGA, ASTANGA.
ATAGHANSataghans n. Plural of ataghan.
ATAGHAN n. (Turkish) a Muslim long curved knife, also YATAGAN, YATAGHAN.
CHANTAGEchantage n. Blackmail; the extortion of money by threats of scandalous revelations.
CHANTAGE n. (French) blackmail to prevent exposure of scandalous facts.
HANGTAGShangtags n. Plural of hangtag.
HANGTAG n. a type of tag used commercially.
SANGHATSSANGHAT n. (Punjabi) a fellowship or assembly, esp. a local Sikh community or congregation.
THANAGESthanages n. Plural of thanage.
THANAGE n. the district in which a thane anciently had jurisdiction, also THANEDOM, THANEHOOD, THANESHIP, THENAGE.
THANGKASthangkas n. Plural of thangka.
THANGKA n. (Tibetan) a religious painting on a scroll.
YATAGHANyataghan n. A type of sword used in Muslim countries from the mid-16th to late 19th centuries.
YATAGHAN n. (Turkish) a Muslim long curved knife, also ATAGHAN, YATAGAN.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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