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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2A, F, I, S and T

AFFIANTSaffiants n. Plural of affiant.
AFFIANT n. one who makes a written declaration under oath.
AIRSHAFTairshaft n. (Architecture) A vertical (or near vertical) opening (shaft) running from a courtyard to the sky, thus…
airshaft n. (Mining) A passage supplying ventilation into a mine tunnel or other underground facility.
airshaft n. (Manufacturing) A device used for handling winding reels in the processing of web-fed materials, such…
AQUAFITSAQUAFIT n. a type of aerobic exercise performed in water.
FANATICSfanatics n. Plural of fanatic.
FANATIC n. a zealot.
FANTAILSfantails n. Plural of fantail.
FANTAIL n. a fan-shaped tail or end.
FANTASIAfantasia n. (Music, also figurative) A form of instrumental composition with a free structure and improvisational…
fantasia n. (Chiefly art, by extension) Any work which is unstructured or comprises other works of different genres or styles.
fantasia n. A traditional festival of the inhabitants of the Maghreb (in northwest Africa) featuring exhibitions of horsemanship.
FANTASIEfantasie n. Obsolete spelling of fantasy.
FANTASIE n. a free-form musical composition, also FANTASIA.
FASCIATEfasciate v. (Transitive) To bind.
fasciate v. To apply fascia.
fasciate adj. Bound with a fillet, sash, or bandage.
FASCISTAFASCISTA n. (Italian) a supporter of fascism, also FASCIST.
FATALISMfatalism n. (Metaphysics, philosophy) The doctrine that all events are subject to fate or inevitable necessity…
FATALISM n. the doctrine that all events are predetermined.
FATALISTfatalist n. One who maintains that all things happen by inevitable necessity; a person who believes in fatalism.
FATALIST n. a believer in fatalism.
FAUSTIANFaustian adj. Of or pertaining to Faust, especially in the sense of being willing to abandon one’s principles or values…
FAUSTIAN adj. in the manner of Faust.
FISTIANAfistiana n. Things related to the sport of boxing.
FISTIANA n. (facetious) anecdotes about boxers and boxing.
FRASCATIFrascati n. An Italian white wine from the region around the town of Frascati.
FRASCATI n. (Italian) a type of white wine.
INFANTASinfantas n. Plural of infanta.
INFANTA n. (Spanish) a title borne by every one of the daughters of the kings of Spain and Portugal, except the eldest.
PARFAITSparfaits n. Plural of parfait.
Parfaits prop.n. Plural of Parfait.
PARFAIT n. (French) a dessert mousse or ice-cream pudding.
RATAFIASratafias n. Plural of ratafia.
RATAFIA n. an almond-flavoured liqueur, also RATAFEE.
SAFARISTsafarist n. One who goes on safari.
SAFARIST n. a person who goes on safari.
TAILFANStailfans n. Plural of tailfan.
TAILFAN n. a fanlike swimming organ of some crustaceans.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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