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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2A, E, 2L and P

AMPULLAEampullae n. Plural of ampulla.
AMPULLA n. (Latin) a small two-handled ancient Roman flask.
APPALLEDappalled adj. Shocked, horrified by something unpleasant.
appalled v. Simple past tense and past participle of appall.
appalled v. Simple past tense and past participle of appal.
LAPSABLElapsable adj. Alternative form of lapsible.
LAPSABLE adj. liable to lapse, also LAPSIBLE.
PADELLASpadellas n. Plural of padella.
PADELLA n. (Italian) a candle made from a shallow dish of fat.
PALLIATEpalliate v. To relieve the symptoms of; to ameliorate.
palliate v. (Obsolete) To hide or disguise.
palliate v. To cover or disguise the seriousness of (A mistake, offence etc.) by excuses and apologies.
PALPABLEpalpable adj. Capable of being touched, felt or handled; touchable, tangible.
palpable adj. (Figurative) Obvious or easily perceived; noticeable.
palpable adj. (Medicine) That can be detected by palpation.
PAPILLAEpapillae n. Plural of papilla.
papillæ n. Plural of papilla.
PAPILLA n. (Latin) a nipple-like projection.
PARALLELparallel adj. Equally distant from one another at all points.
parallel adj. Having the same overall direction; the comparison is indicated with "to".
parallel adj. (Hyperbolic geometry, said of a pair of lines) Either not intersecting, or coinciding.
PARELLASPARELLA n. (French) a lichen which yields archil, a red dye, also PARELLE.
PATELLAEpatellae n. Plural of patella.
PATELLA n. (Latin) the kneecap.
PATELLARpatellar adj. Near or relating to the patella or kneecap.
PATELLAR adj. pertaining to the patella.
PATELLASpatellas n. Plural of patella.
Patellas prop.n. Plural of Patella.
PATELLA n. (Latin) the kneecap.
PELAGIALpelagial adj. Synonym of pelagic.
PELAGIAL adj. of or pertaining to the sea, also PELAGIAN.
PELAGIAL n. an open body of water such as a lake or the sea, as opposed to the shore or the bed.
PELLAGRApellagra n. (Pathology) A disease characterised by skin lesions and mental confusion, primarily caused by a niacin deficiency.
PELLAGRA n. a niacin-deficiency disease.
PLACABLEplacable adj. Able to be easily pacified; quick to forgive.
placable adj. Peaceable; quiet.
placable adj. (Obsolete) Having the effect of pacifying, appeasing or pleasing.
PLANULAEplanulae n. Plural of planula.
PLANULA n. (Latin) the free-swimming larva of certain organisms.
PLAYABLEplayable adj. Able to be played.
playable adj. (Games) Of a move, giving a reasonable result; able to be played without losing.
playable adj. (Games) Of a game, able to be played and enjoyed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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