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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2A, E, 2L and M

AMARELLEAmarelle n. Sour cherry.
AMARELLE n. (French) a variety of sour cherry.
AMPULLAEampullae n. Plural of ampulla.
AMPULLA n. (Latin) a small two-handled ancient Roman flask.
ARMILLAEarmillae n. Plural of armilla.
ARMILLA n. (Latin) a bracelet, also ARMIL.
BALLGAMEballgame n. Alternative spelling of ball game.
ball␣game n. Any game played with a ball.
ball␣game n. A specific contest or match between teams playing such a game, in particular a baseball game.
BLAMABLEblamable adj. Deserving blame.
BLAMABLE adj. being at fault.
CAMELLIAcamellia n. Any plant of the genus Camellia, shrubs and small trees native to Asia; Camellia japonica is the most…
Camellia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Theaceae – camellias.
CAMELLIA n. an evergreen shrub, also CAMELIA.
LAMELLAElamellae n. Plural of lamella.
LAMELLA n. (Latin) a thin plate or layer, also LAMINA.
LAMELLARlamellar adj. Of or pertaining to a lamella, plate-like, flat and thin.
LAMELLAR adj. flat and thin; composed of lamellae.
LAMELLASlamellas n. Plural of lamella.
LAMELLA n. (Latin) a thin plate or layer, also LAMINA.
MAILABLEmailable adj. That can be (physically and/or legally) sent by mail.
mailable adj. Able to be contacted through electronic mail.
MAILABLE adj. able to be mailed.
MALLEATEmalleate adj. (Zoology) Possessing or resembling a malleus, or another structure shaped like a hammer.
malleate adj. (Malacology, of a shell) Having a surface with shallow round indentations, resembling copper that has been hammered.
malleate v. (Rare) To beat into shape with a hammer.
MAMILLAEmamillae n. Plural of mamilla.
MAMILLA n. (Latin) the nipple of the mammary gland, also MAMMILLA.
MARCELLAMarcella prop.n. A female given name from Latin.
MARCELLA n. a cotton, linen, twill weave.
MAXILLAEmaxillae n. Plural of maxilla.
maxillæ n. Plural of maxilla.
MAXILLA n. (Latin) the bone of either the upper or the under jaw.
MEATBALLmeatball n. A ball of minced or ground meat, seasoned and cooked.
meatball n. (Slang) A stupid person.
meatball n. (Baseball) An easy pitch to hit, especially thrown right down the middle of the plate.
MEGAMALLmegamall n. A very large mall (shopping centre).
MEGAMALL n. a very large shopping mall.
SMALLAGEsmallage n. Celery in its wild uncultivated form.
SMALLAGE n. a wild celery.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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