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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2A, E, I, L and P

AIRPLANEairplane n. (US, Canada, Philippines) Alternative form of aeroplane.
airplane v. (US, Canada, Philippines) Alternative form of aeroplane.
AIRPLANE n. a winged aircraft propelled by jet engines or propellers.
ALOPECIAalopecia n. Baldness.
alopecia n. (Pathology) Deficiency of the hair, which may be caused by failure to grow or loss after growth.
alopecia n. (Medicine) Loss of hair (especially on the head) or loss of wool or feathers, whether natural or caused by disease.
APHELIANaphelian adj. (Astronomy) Relating to aphelion.
APHELIAN adj. relating to an aphelion, the point when the earth is farthest from the sun during its annual orbit.
EPIGAEALepigaeal adj. Alternative form of epigeal.
EPIGAEAL adj. growing close to the ground, also EPIGEAL, EPIGEAN, EPIGEIC, EPIGEOUS.
LAPIDATElapidate v. (Transitive, law) To throw stones or other objects at, as punishment, sometimes until death.
lapidate v. (Transitive, figurative) To hurl insults at.
LAPIDATE v. to hurl stones at.
LIPAEMIAlipaemia n. Alternative form of lipemia.
LIPAEMIA n. an abnormal level of fat in the blood, also LIPEMIA.
PALATINEpalatine adj. (Historical) (of an official or feudal lord) Having local authority and possessing royal privileges…
palatine adj. Pertaining to the Elector Palatine or the German Palatinate or its people.
palatine adj. Of or relating to a palace especially of a Roman or Holy Roman Emperor.
PALISADEpalisade n. A long, strong stake, one end of which is set firmly in the ground, and the other sharpened.
palisade n. (Military) A wall of wooden stakes, used as a defensive barrier.
palisade n. A line of cliffs, especially one showing basaltic columns.
PALLIATEpalliate v. To relieve the symptoms of; to ameliorate.
palliate v. (Obsolete) To hide or disguise.
palliate v. To cover or disguise the seriousness of (A mistake, offence etc.) by excuses and apologies.
PAPALISEpapalise v. Alternative form of papalize.
PAPALISE v. to render papal, also PAPALIZE.
PAPALIZEpapalize v. (Transitive) To make papal; to introduce papal authority or Roman customs.
papalize v. (Intransitive, archaic) To conform to popery.
PAPALIZE v. to render papal, also PAPALISE.
PAPILLAEpapillae n. Plural of papilla.
papillæ n. Plural of papilla.
PAPILLA n. (Latin) a nipple-like projection.
PARHELIAparhelia n. Plural of parhelion.
PARHELION n. a halolike light seen in sky opposite the sun.
PARIETALparietal adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the wall of a body part, organ or cavity.
parietal adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the parietal bones.
parietal adj. Of or relating to college living and, especially, its regulation.
PELAGIALpelagial adj. Synonym of pelagic.
PELAGIAL adj. of or pertaining to the sea, also PELAGIAN.
PELAGIAL n. an open body of water such as a lake or the sea, as opposed to the shore or the bed.
PELAGIANpelagian adj. (Archaic) pelagic; of or pertaining to the sea.
Pelagian adj. Of or pertaining to Pelagius (circa 354–420/440), an ascetic who denied the need for divine aid in performing…
Pelagian n. A supporter of the doctrines of Pelagius.
PHACELIAphacelia n. Any of many annual or perennial herbaceous plants, of the genus Phacelia, native to the Americas.
Phacelia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Boraginaceae – scorpionweeds.
PHACELIA n. any of various chiefly annual North American plants, with clustered blue, violet, or white flowers, frequently grown for ornament.
PRAEDIALpraedial adj. Of or pertaining to land or its products.
praedial adj. Coming from or the occupation of land.
praedial adj. Attached to the land (Of slavery etc.); having to work on the land or an estate; deriving from the land.
PREAXIALpreaxial adj. Located in front of an axis.
PREAXIAL adj. situated in front of any transverse axis in the body of an animal.
STAPELIAstapelia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Stapelia of low-growing succulent plants, predominantly from South Africa…
Stapelia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Apocynaceae – certain succulent plants.
STAPELIA n. any of various succulent southern African plants constituting the genus Stapelia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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