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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2A, E, H, P and S

ACALEPHSacalephs n. Plural of acaleph.
ACALEPH n. (Greek) any cnidarian (jellyfish), also ACALEPHAN, ACALEPHE.
ANAPHASEanaphase n. (Cytology) The stage of mitosis and meiosis during which the chromosomes separate; the chromatid moving…
ANAPHASE n. the stage of meiosis in which daughter chromosomes move towards the nuclear spindle.
APATHIESapathies n. Plural of apathy.
APATHY n. indifference.
BASEPATHbasepath n. (Baseball) The grassless ways around the baseball diamond on which runners advance.
basepath n. (Pesäpallo) The path between two adjacent bases, such as between the first and the second base.
base␣path n. Alternative form of basepath.
CHAPEAUSchapeaus n. Plural of chapeau.
CHAPEAU n. (French) a hat.
HANAPERShanapers n. Plural of hanaper.
HANAPER n. a wicker receptacle.
HEXAPLAShexaplas n. Plural of hexapla.
Hexaplas n. Plural of Hexapla.
HEXAPLA n. (Greek) a book of six (especially Biblical) parallel texts.
PANACHESpanaches n. Plural of panache.
PANACHE n. (French) dash or flamboyance in style; verve.
PEARLASHpearlash n. (Organic chemistry) A white amorphous or granular substance which consists principally of potassium…
pearl-ash n. A gray-white powder, having chemical properties of quicklime, made by heating mollusk shells to a temperature…
PEARLASH n. an alkaline compound obtained from wood ash.
PHEASANTpheasant n. A bird of family Phasianidae, often hunted for food.
PHEASANT n. a large, long-tailed bird.
PHEAZARSPHEAZAR n. (Shakespeare) perhaps for vizier, also VEZIR, VISIER, VIZIER, VIZIR, WAZIR, WIZIER.
SANDHEAPsandheap n. A heap of sand.
SANDHEAP n. a pile of sand.
SAPHEADSsapheads n. Plural of saphead.
SAPHEAD n. a stupid person.
SAPHENAEsaphenae n. Plural of saphena.
SAPHENA n. (Latin) a large vein in the leg.
SAPHENASsaphenas n. Plural of saphena.
SAPHENA n. (Latin) a large vein in the leg.
SHAPABLEshapable adj. Capable of being shaped.
SHAPABLE adj. that may be shaped, also SHAPEABLE.
SLAGHEAPslagheap n. Alternative form of slag heap.
slag␣heap n. A man-made mound or heap formed with the waste material (slag) as a by-product of coal mining. Can also…
SLAGHEAP n. a heap of slag refuse.
SLAPHEADslaphead n. (Britain, slang, derogatory) A bald person; somebody with a shaved or hairless head.
SLAPHEAD n. (slang) a bald person.
SYNAPHEAsynaphea n. (Prosody) The metrical continuity between one colon and another.
synaphea n. (Prosody) Mutual connection of all the verses in a system, so that they are scanned as one verse, as in anapaestics.
synaphea n. (Prosody) Elision or synalepha, at the end of a line, of the final vowel of a dactylic hexameter before…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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