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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2A, E, H, N and T

ABTHANESabthanes n. Plural of abthane.
ABTHANE n. a monastic region of the old Irish church.
ACANTHAEACANTHA n. (Greek) a sharp spiny part or structure, such as the spinous process of a vertebra.
ANATHEMAanathema n. (Ecclesiastical, historical) A ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by ecclesiastical authority…
anathema n. (By extension) Something which is vehemently disliked by somebody.
anathema n. (Literary) An imprecation; a curse; a malediction.
ANTHELIAanthelia n. Plural of anthelion.
Anthelia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Antheliaceae – a group of leafy liverworts.
ANTHELION n. (Greek) a ring seen opposite the sun.
ANTHEMIAanthemia n. Plural of anthemion.
ANTHEMION n. (Greek) a flat cluster of leaves or flowers as an ornament in classical art.
ANTHERALantheral adj. Relating to an anther.
ANTHERAL adj. relating to the pollen producing part of the stamen.
APHANITEaphanite n. (Geology, petrology) Certain dark igneous rocks having grain so fine that the individual crystals cannot…
APHANITE n. any rock of such close texture that separate minerals contained within it cannot be distinguished by the naked eye.
ASTHENIAasthenia n. (Medicine) Weakness; loss of strength.
ASTHENIA n. a lack of strength, also ASTHENY.
CALANTHEcalanthe n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Calanthe.
CALANTHE n. (Greek) an orchid of the genus Calanthe, having tall spikes of long-lasting flowers.
CHANTAGEchantage n. Blackmail; the extortion of money by threats of scandalous revelations.
CHANTAGE n. (French) blackmail to prevent exposure of scandalous facts.
EARTHMANearthman n. Alternative form of Earthman.
Earthman n. (Usually science fiction) A male inhabitant of Earth.
EARTHMAN n. a male inhabitant of the planet earth.
ETHANALSETHANAL n. another name for acetaldehyde.
EXHALANTexhalant adj. Exhaling (emitting a fluid).
exhalant n. Something that emits a fluid.
EXHALANT n. a vessel that emits vapour or liquid, also EXHALENT.
HAEMATINhaematin n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of hematin.
hæmatin n. Alternative spelling of hematin.
HAEMATIN n. a brown substance containing ferric iron obtained from dried blood, also HEMATIN, HEMATINE.
KHANATESkhanates n. Plural of khanate.
KHANATE n. the domain of a khan.
METHANALmethanal n. (Organic chemistry) The IUPAC name for formaldehyde, rarely used in research or industry.
METHANAL n. formaldehyde.
PATHNAMEpathname n. (Computing) The full name of a computer file, including the names of any directories or subdirectories…
PATHNAME n. the name of a file or directory together with its position in relation to other directories.
PHEASANTpheasant n. A bird of family Phasianidae, often hunted for food.
PHEASANT n. a large, long-tailed bird.
THANAGESthanages n. Plural of thanage.
THANAGE n. the district in which a thane anciently had jurisdiction, also THANEDOM, THANEHOOD, THANESHIP, THENAGE.
XANTHATExanthate n. (Chemistry) Any salt or ester of xanthic acid.
XANTHATE n. a salt of xanthic acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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