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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing 2A, E, H, M and S

AMBACHESAMBACH n. a pith tree, also AMBATCH.
CAMASHESCAMASH n. (Native American) a blue-flowered liliaceous plant of northwestern America, also CAMAS, CAMASS, QUAMASH.
CHAMADESchamades n. Plural of chamade.
CHAMADE n. (historical) a signal made for a parley by beat of a drum.
GAMASHESgamashes n. High boots or buskins.
gamashes n. (Scotland) Short spatterdashes or riding trousers, worn over the other clothing.
GAMASH n. a type of legging, also GRAMASH, GRAMOCHE.
HEADSMANheadsman n. (Obsolete or Scotland) A chief person; a head man.
headsman n. An executioner whose method of dispatching the condemned is decapitation.
headsman n. (Mining, historical) A labourer in a colliery who transports the coal from the workings to the horseway…
MARCHESAmarchesa n. An Italian marchioness.
MARCHESA n. (Italian) the wife or widow of a marchese.
MASTHEADmasthead n. (Nautical) The top of a mast.
masthead n. (US) A list of a newspaper or other periodical’s main staff, contributing writers, publisher, circulation…
masthead n. (UK, Australia) The title (normally in a large and distinctive font) of a newspaper or other periodical…
SCHEMATAschemata n. Plural of schema.
SCHEMA n. (Greek) a schematic representation of something.
SEALYHAMSealyham n. A Sealyham terrier.
SEALYHAM n. a terrier dog.
SHAMABLEshamable adj. Capable of being shamed.
SHAMABLE adj. capable of being shamed, also SHAMEABLE.
SHAREMANshareman n. A fisherman whose pay consists of a share of the profits.
SHAREMAN n. a fisherman who shares profits with the owner, also SHARESMAN.
SHEARMANshearman n. One whose occupation is to shear cloth.
Shearman prop.n. A surname.
SHEARMAN n. a textile worker.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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