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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2A, E, G, M and T

AGAMETESagametes n. Plural of agamete.
AGAMETE n. an asexual reproductive cell.
AGEMATESagemates n. Plural of agemate.
age-mates n. Plural of age-mate.
AGEMATE n. a person of the same age as another.
AGERATUMageratum n. Any of the genus Ageratum of tropical American herbs, annuals and perennials, from the sunflower family…
AGERATUM n. a flowering tropical plant.
AGMINATEagminate adj. (Biology) Grouped together.
AGMINATE adj. clustered together.
ALMAGESTalmagest n. A comprehensive treatise on astronomy, alchemy, geography and/or mathematics (Originally compiled by…
ALMAGEST n. (Arabic) a medieval treatise on astrology and alchemy.
BREGMATAbregmata n. Plural of bregma.
BREGMA n. (Greek) the point of junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures of the skull.
ENIGMATAenigmata n. Plural of enigma.
ENIGMA n. (Greek) something that is difficult to understand.
GAMBETTAGAMBETTA n. (Italian) a red-legged wading bird, the redshank, also GAMBET.
GEMATRIAgematria n. A cabalistic method of interpreting Hebrew words, based on numerical values of letters.
GEMATRIA n. a numerical method of interpreting Hebrew scriptures.
MAGENTASmagentas n. Plural of magenta.
MAGENTA n. a purplish red dye.
MAGNATESmagnates n. Plural of magnate.
MAGNATE n. a great or noble person; now esp. a wealthy and influential person, esp. in business.
MAGNETARmagnetar n. (Astronomy) A neutron star or pulsar with an extremely powerful magnetic field, especially those on…
MAGNETAR n. a type of neutron star that has a very intense magnetic field.
MARGATESmargates n. Plural of margate.
MARGATE n. a tropical fish.
MARITAGEmaritage n. The right of the lord of the fee to dispose of the heiress, later also of the male heir, in marriage.
maritage n. The property bought by the couple upon their marriage under the feudal customs.
maritage n. The fine paid by the vassal to the feudal lord for failing to follow his maritage decision.
MEGASTARmegastar n. A very famous or successful celebrity.
MEGASTAR n. an extremely successful performer.
MEGAWATTmegawatt n. One million (1 000 000) watts, abbreviated as MW.
mega-watt n. One million (106) watts, abbreviated as MW.
MEGAWATT n. a unit of power, a million watts.
METATAGSmetatags n. Plural of metatag.
meta␣tags n. Plural of meta tag.
METATAG n. a tag having information about a webpage.
METAYAGEmetayage n. A kind of sharecropping system.
METAYAGE n. (French) a system of trading crops for rent.
NAMETAGSnametags n. Plural of nametag.
NAMETAG n. a tag bearing one's name.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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