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There are 16 eight-letter words containing 2A, 2E, M and R

ABAMPEREabampere n. Unit of electrical current in electromagnetic and Gaussian cgs systems of units, equal to 10 amperes in SI units.
ABAMPERE n. a unit of electric current equivalent to 10 amperes.
AHEMERALahemeral adj. (Biology) Cyclical, with a period not equal to 24 hours.
AHEMERAL adj. not being a full 24 hour day.
AMARELLEAmarelle n. Sour cherry.
AMARELLE n. (French) a variety of sour cherry.
AMEERATEameerate n. (Rare) An emirate.
AMEERATE n. (Arabic) the rank of an ameer, also AMIRATE.
AMPERAGEamperage n. (Physics) The electric current; charge transmitted per unit time, measured in amperes.
AMPERAGE n. the strength of an electric current expressed in amperes.
AMREETASAMREETA n. (Sanskrit) a drink which bestows immortality in Hindu mythology, also AMRIT, AMRITA.
DEMERARAdemerara n. Alternative letter-case form of Demerara.
Demerara prop.n. The Demerara River, a river which rises in the rainforests of Guyana and flows north to the Atlantic…
Demerara prop.n. A region of Guyana in South America, Essequebo en Demerary (Essequibo and Demerara), formerly a Dutch…
HAEREMAIHAEREMAI n. (Maori) welcome.
HARAMBEEharambee n. A traditional Kenyan community self-help event or organization.
HARAMBEE n. (Swahili) a Swahili rallying cry, 'let's organize together'.
HERMAEANHERMAEAN adj. of or like a herma, a head or bust of Hermes.
MACERATEmacerate v. To soften (something) or separate it into pieces by soaking it in a heated or unheated liquid.
macerate v. (Archaic) To make lean; to cause to waste away.
macerate v. (Obsolete) To subdue the appetite by poor or scanty diet; to mortify.
PARAMESEPARAMESE n. in Greek music, the string or tone above the mese.
RACEMATEracemate n. (Chemistry) a racemic mixture.
racemate n. (Chemistry) any salt or ester of racemic acid.
racemate n. One racing in the same race.
REDAMAGEredamage v. To damage again.
REDAMAGE v. to damage again.
SEABREAMseabream n. Any of several species of marine fish of the families Sparidae or Bramidae found in Atlantic waters.
sea␣bream n. Alternative spelling of seabream.
SEABREAM n. a popular food fish.
TEAMAKERteamaker n. A person who makes tea (the drink).
teamaker n. A machine that prepares tea (the drink).
TEAMAKER n. one that makes tea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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