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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing 2A, D, L, N and P

DALAPONSDALAPON n. a herbicide used on unwanted grass.
HANDCLAPhandclap n. A single clap of the hands.
HANDCLAP n. a sound made by striking the hands together.
HANDPLAYhandplay n. Hand-to-hand combat.
handplay n. (Card games) In the game of skat, the playing of one’s hand without using the skat.
HANDPLAY n. a dealing of blows.
NAPALMEDnapalmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of napalm.
NAPALM v. to assault with a type of incendiary bomb.
PALADINSpaladins n. Plural of paladin.
PALADIN n. a knightly champion.
PARKLANDparkland n. Land suitable for use as a park.
parkland n. (North America) A landscape characterized by a mixture of treed groves and open grasslands, akin to…
PARKLAND n. a cared-for area with lawn, trees and shrubs.
PARLANDOparlando n. (Music) A piece of music to be sung or played in the style of a recitative.
parlando adj. Declamatory in style; in recitative.
parlando adv. In a declamatory style.
PEATLANDpeatland n. Land with peat soil, such as an active or former bog.
PEATLAND n. an area of land consisting of peat bogs.
PLAIDMANplaidman n. A man who wears a plaid.
PLAIDMAN n. a Highlander.
PLATBANDplatband n. A border of flowers in a garden, especially along a wall; a strip of turf forming a border.
platband n. (Figuratively) Any border.
platband n. (Architecture) A flat fascia on an architrave, or forming a border round a window, or a horizontal band along a wall.
PLAYLANDplayland n. An area of free recreation.
PLAYLAND n. a recreational area.
PRANDIALprandial adj. Of or pertaining to a meal, especially dinner.
PRANDIAL adj. of or relating to a meal.
SOAPLANDsoapland n. A kind of Japanese brothel, ostensibly for bathing.
soapland n. (Television) The world of soap operas.
SOAPLAND n. (slang) a red-light district.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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