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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2A, D, I and 2L

ALKALOIDalkaloid n. (Organic chemistry) Any of many organic (often heterocyclic) bases that occur in nature and often have…
alkaloid adj. Relating to, resembling, or containing alkali.
ALKALOID n. any of a class of complex organic bases of vegetable origin.
ALLODIALallodial adj. (Usually historical) Pertaining to land owned by someone absolutely, without any feudal obligations;…
allodial n. Anything held allodially.
ALLODIAL adj. relating to allod.
BALLADICballadic adj. (Music) Characteristic of a ballad.
BALLADIC adj. relating to a ballad.
BALLADINballadin n. Alternative form of balladine.
BALLADIN n. (French) a (male) theatre dancer, also BALADIN.
CHILLADACHILLADA n. (Spanish) in Mexican cookery, a spiced fried cake made from pureed vegetables.
DIALLAGEdiallage n. A figure of speech in which multiple arguments are brought to bear on a single point.
diallage n. (Mineralogy) A green form of pyroxene.
DIALLAGE n. (Greek) a mineral, a brown, green or grey form of augite.
DYSLALIAdyslalia n. Difficulty in talking due to a structural abnormality.
DYSLALIA n. defective speech characteristic of those affected by aphasia.
GAILLARDGaillard prop.n. A surname from French, equivalent to English Gaylord.
GAILLARD adj. (obsolete) brisk, lively, also GAILLARDE.
GALLIARDgalliard n. A lively dance, popular in 16th- and 17th-century Europe.
galliard n. (Music) The triple-time music for this dance.
galliard n. (Dated) A brisk, merry person.
GLADIOLAgladiola n. (US) Gladiolus.
GLADIOLA n. a lilylike plant of the genus Gladiolus, also GLADIOLE, GLADIOLUS.
HALLIARDhalliard n. Alternative spelling of halyard.
HALLIARD n. a line used to hoist a sail, also HALYARD, HAULYARD.
KILLADARkilladar n. Alternative form of kiladar.
KILLADAR n. (Hindi) in India, the commandant of a fort or garrison.
LANDRAILlandrail n. The corncrake, Crex crex.
LANDRAIL n. a bird with a rasping cry, aka corncrake.
PAILLARDpaillard n. A slice of meat pounded thin and grilled.
paillard n. Alternative form of palliard.
PAILLARD n. (French) a slice of meat pounded flat and grilled.
PALLADIApalladia n. Plural of palladium.
PALLADIUM n. a metallic element resembling platinum.
PALLADICpalladic adj. Of or pertaining to palladium.
PALLADIC adj. of or containing palladium in the trivalent or tetravalent state.
PALLIARDpalliard n. (Archaic) A beggar or vagrant, especially a professional one; (earlier especially) a lecher.
PALLIARD n. (obsolete) a professional beggar; a vagabond.
RADIALLYradially adv. In a radial manner, outward from a center.
RADIAL adv. having rays or spokes diverging from the centre.
SILLADARsilladar n. (India, historical) A member of a troop of irregular cavalry.
SILLADAR n. (Urdu) an irregular cavalryman who provided his own horse and arms.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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