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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2A, D, E, T and U

ACAUDATEacaudate adj. (Biology, zoology) Tailless.
ACAUDATE adj. tailless, also ACAUDAL.
ACTUATEDactuated v. Simple past tense and past participle of actuate.
ACTUATE v. to put into action.
ADEQUATEadequate adj. Equal to or fulfilling some requirement.
adequate det. A sufficient amount of; enough.
adequate v. (Obsolete) To equalize; to make adequate.
ADJUTAGEadjutage n. Alternative form of ajutage.
ADJUTAGE n. (French) a tube added to or inserted into an aperture to control the outflow of water, as a pipe at the mouth of an artificial fountain, also AJUTAGE.
ADULATEDadulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of adulate.
ADULATE v. to fawn upon.
ADULATESadulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of adulate.
ADULATE v. to fawn upon.
ADUNCATEaduncate adj. (Rare) curved inwards; hooked.
ADUNCATE adj. hooked, also ADUNC.
ARCUATEDarcuated adj. Alternative form of arcuate.
ARCUATED adj. arched like a bow, also ARCUATE.
AUTOCADEautocade n. Motorcade.
AUTOCADE n. (French) a procession of motorcars.
AVAUNTEDavaunted v. Simple past tense and past participle of avaunt.
AVAUNT v. (archaic) to advance.
CAUDATEDcaudated adj. Having a tail, or a termination resembling a tail; caudate.
CAUDATED adj. having a tail.
CAUDATEScaudates n. Plural of caudate.
CAUDATE n. a creature with a tail.
ECAUDATEecaudate adj. (Biology) Tailless; without a tail or tail-like appendage.
ECAUDATE adj. tailless, also ACAUDAL, ACAUDATE.
GRADUATEgraduate n. A person who is recognized by a university as having completed the requirements of a degree studied…
graduate n. (US, Canada) A person who is recognized by a high school as having completed the requirements of a course…
graduate n. (Philippines) A person who is recognized as having completed any level of education.
QUADRATEquadrate adj. Having four equal sides, the opposite sides parallel, and four right angles; square.
quadrate adj. Produced by multiplying a number by itself; square.
quadrate adj. (Archaic) Square; even; balanced; equal; exact.
RADULATEradulate adj. (Zoology) Having a radula.
RADULATE adj. having a radula, a mollusc's tongue, that is studded with tiny teeth.
UNABATEDunabated adj. Continuing at full strength or intensity.
UNABATED adj. not made less in degree.
VACUATEDvacuated v. Simple past tense and past participle of vacuate.
VACUATE v. (obsolete) to make void, or empty, also EVACUATE.
VALUATEDvaluated v. Simple past tense and past participle of valuate.
VALUATE v. to appraise, evaluate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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