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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing 2A, D, E, G and L

AMYGDALEamygdale n. (Geology) An almond-shaped inclusion in igneous rock or lava.
amygdale n. Misconstruction of amygdala.
AMYGDALE n. a small gas bubble in lava, also AMYGDULE.
DANELAGHDanelagh prop.n. Alternative form of Danelaw.
DANELAGH n. the law that prevailed in the Danelaw, the part of England ruled by the Danes, also DANELAW.
DIALLAGEdiallage n. A figure of speech in which multiple arguments are brought to bear on a single point.
diallage n. (Mineralogy) A green form of pyroxene.
DIALLAGE n. (Greek) a mineral, a brown, green or grey form of augite.
FALDAGESfaldages n. Plural of faldage.
FALDAGE n. (historical) the right of the lord of a manor to graze a tenant's sheep in folds on his land, in order to manure it.
GALEATEDgaleated adj. Of or relating to a galea.
GALEATED adj. helmet-shaped, also GALEATE.
GALOPADEGALOPADE n. (French) a lively ballroom dance, also GALLOPADE.
GLADIATEgladiate adj. (Botany) Sword-shaped.
gladiate v. To fight as a gladiator, to digladiate.
GLADIATE adj. shaped like a sword.
GRADABLEgradable adj. Able to form degrees or grades.
gradable adj. (Linguistics, of a word or phrase) Able to occur in varying degrees; able to be inflected or modified…
gradable adj. Steep, but still able to be climbed by a motor vehicle.
LAAGEREDlaagered v. Simple past tense and past participle of laager.
LAAGER v. (South African) to form a defensive encampment, also LAER, LAGER.
MAGDALENMagdalen prop.n. A female given name from Hebrew, variant of Magdalene.
Magdalen prop.n. (Oxford University, informal) Ellipsis of Magdalen College, Oxford..
Magdalen n. Alternative form of Magdalene (“a reformed prostitute”).
MEGADEALmegadeal n. (Informal) A transaction of very large size.
megadeal n. (Informal) A deal offering exceptional value for money.
MEGADEAL n. a business deal involving a lot of money.
SALVAGEDsalvaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of salvage.
SALVAGE v. to save from loss or destruction.
SELADANGseladang n. The Malayan gaur.
SELADANG n. (Malay) a kind of wild ox, also SALADANG, SLADANG.
TALLAGEDtallaged v. Simple past tense and past participle of tallage.
TALLAGE v. to levy tallage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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