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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 14 eight-letter words containing 2A, D, 2E and S

ACADEMESacademes n. Plural of academe.
ACADEME n. the academic life or world, also ACADEMIA.
APPEASEDappeased v. Simple past tense and past participle of appease.
APPEASE v. to bring to a state of peace or contentment.
AWARDEESawardees n. Plural of awardee.
AWARDEE n. a recipient of an award.
BASEHEADbasehead n. (US, slang) A habitual user of freebase; a crackhead.
BASEHEAD n. a habitual user of freebase or crack.
CASEATEDcaseated v. Simple past tense and past participle of caseate.
CASEATE v. to become cheesy.
DEALATESdealates n. Plural of dealate.
DEALATE n. an insect divested of its wings.
EDAMAMESEDAMAME n. a preparation of baby soybeans in the pod commonly found in Japan, China and Korea.
ESCALADEescalade n. An act of scaling walls or fortifications.
escalade v. (Military, dated) To scale the walls of a fortification.
ESCALADE v. (French) to scale the walls of a fortress by ladders, also ESCALADO, SCALADE, SCALADO.
ESCAPADEescapade n. A daring or adventurous act; an undertaking which goes against convention.
ESCAPADE n. a reckless adventure.
ESTACADEestacade n. (Military) A dike of piles in the sea, a river, etc., to hinder the approach of an enemy.
ESTACADE n. (French) a dike of stakes in a river against an enemy.
HEADAGESheadages n. Plural of headage.
HEADAGE n. a subsidy payable to farmers, based on the number of animals kept.
HEADCASEheadcase n. (Informal, derogatory) A mentally unbalanced, unpredictable person, especially one who displays aggressive behavior.
headcase n. (Genetics) A genetic sequence that inhibits terminal branching of the trachea and regulates dendrite pruning.
head-case n. Alternative spelling of headcase.
MAENADESmaenades n. Plural of maenad.
MAENAD n. (Greek) a female follower of Bacchus, also MENAD.
PASEAREDPASEAR v. to take a walk.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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