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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, 2R and S

BARRACESBARRACE n. (obsolete) the lists in a tournament.
BARRACKSbarracks n. Plural of barrack.
barracks n. (Military) A group of buildings used by military personnel as housing.
barracks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of barrack.
CAMORRASCamorras n. Plural of Camorra.
CAMORRA n. (Italian) any organized body engaged in extortion or other dishonest activities.
CARBARNScarbarns n. Plural of carbarn.
car␣barns n. Plural of car barn.
CARBARN n. a garage for buses.
CARBORAScarboras n. Plural of carbora.
CARBORA n. a koala.
CARFAREScarfares n. Plural of carfare.
CARFARE n. payment for a bus or car ride.
CARRACKScarracks n. Plural of carrack.
CARRACK n. (historical) a large ship of burden, also CARACK, CARRACT, CARRECT.
CARRACTSCARRACT n. (historical) a large ship of burden, also CARACK, CARRACK, CARRECT.
CARSHAREcarshare v. (Intransitive) To participate in a system of car sharing.
CARSHARE v. to share a car for transport.
CATARRHScatarrhs n. Plural of catarrh.
CATARRH n. inflammation of a mucous membrane.
FARRUCASfarrucas n. Plural of farruca.
FARRUCA n. (Spanish) a gypsy dance with sudden tempo and mood changes.
RAILCARSrailcars n. Plural of railcar.
rail␣cars n. Plural of rail car.
RAILCAR n. a railway car.
SACRARIAsacraria n. Plural of sacrarium.
SACRARIUM n. (Latin) the sanctuary or sacristy (room housing sacred vessels) of a church.
SRIRACHAsriracha n. A Thai-style hot sauce, typically made from sun-ripened chili peppers, vinegar, garlic, sugar and salt.
SRIRACHA n. (Thai) a spicy sauce made with red chilli peppers, vinegar, and garlic.
TRAMCARStramcars n. Plural of tramcar.
TRAMCAR n. a streetcar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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