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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, P, S and U

ACARPOUSacarpous adj. (Botany) Not producing fruit; unfruitful; sterile.
ACARPOUS adj. not bearing fruit.
CAJAPUTSCAJAPUT n. (Malay) a volatile oil, distilled from the leaves of an East Indian tree, also CAJEPUT, CAJUPUT, KAJEPUT.
CAPSULARcapsular adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a capsule.
CAPSULAR adj. of or pertaining to a capsule, also CAPSULARY.
CAPUERAScapueras n. Plural of capuera.
CAPUERA n. (Portuguese) a martial art and dance combination, also CAPOEIRA.
CHALUPASchalupas n. Plural of chalupa.
Chalupas prop.n. Plural of Chalupa.
CHALUPA n. (Spanish) a fried corn tortilla spread with a savory mixture.
CHAPEAUSchapeaus n. Plural of chapeau.
CHAPEAU n. (French) a hat.
CRAPAUDScrapauds n. Plural of crapaud.
CRAPAUD n. (French) a frog or toad.
PASCUALSPascuals prop.n. Plural of Pascual.
PASCUAL n. a plant that grows in pasture.
SAPUCAIAsapucaia n. A Brazilian tree, the monkey pot (any of several species in the genus Lecythis).
SAPUCAIA n. (Tupi) a South American tree, related to the Brazil nut; the oily edible seed of this.
SAUCEPANsaucepan n. (Countable, cooking) A deep cooking vessel with a handle and sometimes a lid; used for boiling, stewing…
saucepan v. To cook in a saucepan.
SAUCEPAN n. a cooking utensil.
SCAPULAEscapulae n. Plural of scapula.
SCAPULA n. (Latin) a bone in the shoulder.
SCAPULARscapular n. (Christianity) A short cloak worn around the shoulders, adopted as part of the uniform of various religious…
scapular n. (Ornithology) One of a special group of feathers which arise from each of the scapular regions and lie…
scapular n. A bandage passing over the shoulder to support it, or to retain another bandage in place.
SCAPULASscapulas n. Plural of scapula.
SCAPULA n. (Latin) a bone in the shoulder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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