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There are 19 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, M, N and O

AMMONIACammoniac adj. Of or relating to ammonia, or possessing its properties.
ammoniac n. Alternative form of ammoniacum.
AMMONIAC n. a gum resin.
AMORANCEAMORANCE n. the state of being in love; romantic love.
ANATOMICanatomic adj. Of or pertaining to anatomy and dissection, or to individual structures of the anatomy.
ANATOMIC adj. relating to anatomy, also ANATOMICAL.
ARMONICAarmonica n. A musical instrument made of blown-glass bowls mounted on a spindle turned originally by a foot pedal…
ARMONICA n. a kind of musical instrument.
CAMARONScamarons n. Plural of camaron.
CAMARON n. (Spanish) a kind of freshwater crustacean similar to a crayfish, also MARON, MARRON.
CANOEMANcanoeman n. (Chiefly Canada, historical) A voyageur.
canoeman n. (Chiefly Canada) A canoeist.
CANOEMAN n. a canoeist.
CARDAMONcardamon n. Alternative spelling of cardamom.
CARDAMON n. a spice consisting of or made from the seed capsules of various Indo-Malayan plants, also CARDAMOM, CARDAMUM.
COACHMANcoachman n. A man who drives a horse-drawn coach, a male coach driver.
coachman n. (South Africa) A fish in the genus Heniochus, either Heniochus acuminatus or Heniochus diphreutes.
Coachman prop.n. A surname.
COMANAGEcomanage v. (Transitive) To manage together; to run jointly.
COMANAGE v. to manage jointly.
MACARONImacaroni n. (Uncountable) A type of pasta in the form of short tubes; sometimes loosely, pasta in general.
macaroni n. (Derogatory, historical) A fop, a dandy; especially a young man in the 18th century who had travelled…
macaroni adj. (Historical) Chic, fashionable, stylish; in the manner of a macaroni.
MACARONSmacarons n. Plural of macaron.
MACARON n. a cookie with filling in the middle.
MACAROONmacaroon n. A soft biscuit or cookie prepared with almond or coconut dough.
macaroon n. Alternative spelling of macaron.
macaroon n. (Archaic) A coarse, rude, low fellow.
MANCANDOMANCANDO adj. (Italian) fading away.
MANDIOCAmandioca n. (Obsolete) manioc.
MANDIOCA n. (Tupi) a plant of the manioc genus, aka cassava, also MANDIOC, MANDIOCCA, MANIHOC, MANIHOT, MANIOC, MANIOCA.
MANIOCASMANIOCA n. (Tupi) a plant of the manioc genus, aka cassava, also MANDIOC, MANDIOCA, MANDIOCCA, MANIHOC, MANIHOT, MANIOC.
MAROCAINmarocain n. A heavy crepe fabric of silk, wool, or both, having a cross-ribbed texture, used for apparel.
Marocain prop.n. (Horticulture) A variety of grape.
Marocain prop.n. (Viticulture) A name used for two unrelated varieties of French wine grape, carignan and cinsault.
MASCARONmascaron n. (Architecture) A carved, ornamental face, usually human, sometimes frightening or chimeric whose alleged…
MASCARON n. a grotesque face on a doorknocker.
MONACHALmonachal adj. Of or pertaining to monks or their lifestyle; monastic.
MONACHAL adj. of or pertaining to monks or a monastic life.
NARCOMASNARCOMA n. a coma caused by the intake of narcotic drugs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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