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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, L, M and N

ALMANACKalmanack n. Archaic spelling of almanac.
ALMANACK n. a register of the days, weeks and months of the year, also ALMANAC.
ALMANACSalmanacs n. Plural of almanac.
ALMANAC n. a register of the days, weeks and months of the year, also ALMANACK.
ANALCIMEanalcime n. (Mineralogy) A sodium aluminosilicate with a chemical formula NaAlSi2O6·H2O, having a zeolite structure…
ANALCIME n. a white or flesh-red mineral of the zeolite family, also ANALCITE.
ANIMALICanimalic adj. (Rare) of or concerning animals.
ANIMALIC adj. of or like an animal, also ANIMALIAN.
CALAMINEcalamine n. A pink form of zinc oxide formed as a byproduct of zinc sublimation, now used in skin lotions.
calamine n. (Mineralogy) Synonym of hemimorphite, an orthorhombic-pyramidal mineral containing zinc.
calamine v. (Transitive) To coat or treat with calamine.
CALAMINTcalamint n. Any species of aromatic garden herb of the genus Calamintha, now often included in Clinopodium.
CALAMINT n. a genus of labiate aromatic plants allied to mint and thyme.
CALMANTScalmants n. Plural of calmant.
CALMANT n. a drug that calms.
CLAIMANTclaimant n. One who claims; one who makes a claim.
claimant n. (UK) A person receiving money from the government, in a form of unemployment benefits, disability benefits or similar.
claimant n. (Law) The party who initiates a lawsuit before a court.
CLAMANCYclamancy n. Urgency.
CLAMANCY n. urgency.
CLANSMANclansman n. A male member of a clan.
Clansman n. (US) Alternative spelling of Klansman (KKK).
CLANSMAN n. a member of a clan.
CLASSMANclassman n. A member of a class; a classmate.
classman n. (UK, Oxford University) A candidate for graduation in arts who is placed in an honour class, as opposed…
CLASSMAN n. a person who has gained honours at Oxford.
MANACLEDmanacled v. Simple past tense and past participle of manacle.
MANACLE v. to handcuff.
MANACLESmanacles n. Plural of manacle.
manacles n. Manacle.
MANACLE v. to handcuff.
MANCALASmancalas n. Plural of mancala.
MANCALA n. (Arabic) a variety of board games.
MANDALICmandalic adj. Of, or pertaining to, a mandala.
MANDALIC adj. of or like a mandala, an Oriental design symbolic of the universe.
MANIACALmaniacal adj. Like a maniac; insane; frenzied.
MANIACAL adj. relating to a maniac.
MONACHALmonachal adj. Of or pertaining to monks or their lifestyle; monastic.
MONACHAL adj. of or pertaining to monks or a monastic life.
PLACEMANplaceman n. (UK politics, derogatory) One appointed to an office, especially in government, as a reward for political…
PLACEMAN n. a political appointee to a public office.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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