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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, I and 2R

AIRCRAFTaircraft n. A vehicle capable of atmospheric flight due to interaction with the air, such as buoyancy or lift.
AIRCRAFT n. a machine for travelling in the air.
ARMCHAIRarmchair n. A chair with supports for the arms or elbows.
armchair adj. (Figuratively) Remote from actual involvement, including a person retired from previously active involvement.
armchair adj. (Figuratively) Unqualified or uninformed but yet giving advice, especially on technical issues, such…
BARBARICbarbaric adj. Of or relating to a barbarian; uncivilized, uncultured or uncouth.
BARBARIC adj. uncivilized.
CARRIAGEcarriage n. The act of conveying; carrying.
carriage n. Means of conveyance.
carriage n. A (mostly four-wheeled) lighter vehicle chiefly designed to transport people, generally drawn by horse power.
CATBRIARCATBRIAR n. a thorny shrub, also CATBRIER.
CERCARIAcercaria n. The parasitic larva of trematodes that infect the final host generally.
CERCARIA n. (Greek) the final larval stage of many trematode worms.
CHIRAGRAchiragra n. (Medicine) Gout in the hand.
CHIRAGRA n. (Greek) gout in the hand.
MARGARICmargaric adj. Pertaining to pearl or pearls (rare except in the designation of margaric acid).
MARGARIC adj. pearl-like, also MARGARITIC.
RAILCARDrailcard n. (Rail transport) A card allowing reduced fares for travelling by train.
RAILCARD n. a special travel card.
RAILCARSrailcars n. Plural of railcar.
rail␣cars n. Plural of rail car.
RAILCAR n. a railway car.
SACRARIAsacraria n. Plural of sacrarium.
SACRARIUM n. (Latin) the sanctuary or sacristy (room housing sacred vessels) of a church.
SRIRACHAsriracha n. A Thai-style hot sauce, typically made from sun-ripened chili peppers, vinegar, garlic, sugar and salt.
SRIRACHA n. (Thai) a spicy sauce made with red chilli peppers, vinegar, and garlic.
TARTARICtartaric adj. (Organic chemistry) Containing tartrates.
Tartaric adj. Of or relating to Tartary or the Tartars; Tartarian.
TARTARIC adj. of or derived from tartar.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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