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There are 20 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, H, P and S

ACALEPHSacalephs n. Plural of acaleph.
ACALEPH n. (Greek) any cnidarian (jellyfish), also ACALEPHAN, ACALEPHE.
APHASIACaphasiac n. Alternative form of aphasic.
APHASIAC n. one suffering from aphasia, the inability to use or comprehend words, also APHASIC.
APHASICSaphasics n. Plural of aphasic.
APHASIC n. one suffering from aphasia, also APHASIAC.
CALIPASHcalipash n. The edible greenish material found underneath the upper half of a turtle’s carapace (shell).
CALIPASH n. a part of a turtle which is next to the upper shell, the carapace, also CALLIPASH.
CAPTCHAScaptchas n. Plural of captcha.
Captchas n. Plural of Captcha.
CAPTCHAs n. Plural of CAPTCHA.
CHALUPASchalupas n. Plural of chalupa.
Chalupas prop.n. Plural of Chalupa.
CHALUPA n. (Spanish) a fried corn tortilla spread with a savory mixture.
CHAMPACSchampacs n. Plural of champac.
CHAMPAC n. (Hindi) an East Indian tree of the magnolia family, sacred to Hindus, also CHAMPACA, CHAMPAK.
CHAMPAKSchampaks n. Plural of champak.
CHAMPAK n. (Hindi) an East Indian tree of the magnolia family, sacred to Hindus, also CHAMPAC, CHAMPACA.
CHAPATISchapatis n. Plural of chapati.
CHAPATI n. (Hindi) a thin piece of unleavened bread, also CHAPATTI, CHAPPATI.
CHAPEAUSchapeaus n. Plural of chapeau.
CHAPEAU n. (French) a hat.
CHAPPALSchappals n. Plural of chappal.
CHAPPAL n. (Hindi) a type of open sandal worn in India.
CHARPAIScharpais n. Plural of charpai.
CHARPAI n. (Urdu) a string framed bed, also CHARPOY.
CRASHPADcrashpad n. Alternative form of crash pad.
crash␣pad n. Any place used for temporary lodging, especially without payment or permission.
crash␣pad n. (Climbing) A protective foam pad placed on the ground, used as protection in case of falling from the wall.
HAIRCAPShaircaps n. Plural of haircap.
HAIRCAP n. a hat.
PANACHESpanaches n. Plural of panache.
PANACHE n. (French) dash or flamboyance in style; verve.
PANOCHASpanochas n. Plural of panocha.
PANOCHA n. (Spanish) a type of fudge, also PANOCHE, PENOCHE, PENUCHE, PENUCHI.
PASCHALSPASCHAL n. a candle used in religious ceremonies.
PASHALICpashalic n. The jurisdiction of a pasha.
PASHALIC n. (Turkish) the territory of a pasha, also PASHALIK, PACHALIC.
SARPANCHsarpanch n. The elected head of a panchayat (village government) in Bangladesh, India, or Pakistan.
SARPANCH n. (Hindi) the head of an Indian village.
SCHAPSKAschapska n. Alternative spelling of chapka.
SCHAPSKA n. (Polish) a kind of military cap, adapted from the traditional peasant cap, worn by lancers, also CHAPKA, CZAPKA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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