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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, H, O and R

ACHROMATachromat n. (Optics) A lens that imparts little color; a lens that is achromatic.
ACHROMAT n. a light transmitting lens.
AIRCOACHaircoach n. (Aviation) An airliner offering relatively cheap but cramped passenger flights.
AIRCOACH n. the cheaper accommodation in commercial aircraft.
ALACHLORalachlor n. A particular chloroacetanilide herbicide.
ALACHLOR n. a type of herbicide.
APPROACHapproach v. (Intransitive) To come or go near, in place or time; to move toward; to advance nearer; to draw nigh.
approach v. (Intransitive, golf, tennis) To play an approach shot.
approach v. (Transitive, intransitive, figuratively) Used intransitively, followed by to: to draw near (to someone…
ARCHAEONarchaeon n. Prokaryotic organism; member of the domain Archaea.
ARCHAEON n. a single celled organism like bacterium.
CATAPHORcataphor n. (Medicine) Semicoma.
cataphor n. (Medicine) Somnolence marked by periods of partial consciousness.
CATAPHOR n. (Greek) the use of an expression which refers to or stands for a later word or group of words, also CATAPHORA.
CHARANGOcharango n. A small guitar-like stringed instrument with five courses of eighteen to fifteen strings, originating…
CHARANGO n. a small South American ten-stringed instrument, made from the shell of an armadillo.
CHARCOALcharcoal n. (Countable, uncountable) impure carbon obtained by destructive distillation of wood or other organic…
charcoal n. (Countable) A stick of black carbon material used for drawing.
charcoal n. (Countable) A drawing made with charcoal.
CORANACHcoranach n. Alternative form of coronach.
CORANACH n. (Gaelic) a lamentation for the dead; a dirge, also CORONACH.
GUACHAROguacharo n. A nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad (Steatornis caripensis or Steatornis steatornis); the oilbird.
GUACHARO n. (Spanish) a nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad, aka oilbird.
HUARACHOhuaracho n. Alternative form of huarache (“Mexican sandal”).
HUARACHO n. (Spanish) a flat-heeled sandal, also GUARACHA, GUARACHE, GUARACHI, HUARACHE.
PARACHORparachor n. (Dated, chemistry) A poorly-characterised quantity derived from the molecular weight of a liquid and…
PARACHOR n. a mathematical constant relating to surface tension.
RACAHOUTracahout n. A Middle Eastern dish made from acorns.
RACAHOUT n. (Arabic) acorn meal, used by the Arabs as a substitute for chocolate, and also as a beverage for invalids, also RACCAHOUT.
THORACALthoracal adj. Thoracic.
THORACAL adj. relating to a thorax.
TRACHOMAtrachoma n. (Medicine) An infectious disease of the eyelid caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis.
Trachoma prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Orchidaceae – spectral orchids.
TRACHOMA n. an eye-disease, a chronic form of conjunctivitis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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