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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 17 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, H, L and R

ALACHLORalachlor n. A particular chloroacetanilide herbicide.
ALACHLOR n. a type of herbicide.
ALCHERASALCHERA n. (Native Australian) the dreamtime, also ALCHERINGA.
ANARCHALanarchal adj. (Archaic) lawless; anarchic.
ANARCHAL adj. relating to anarchy, the complete absence of law or government, also ANARCHIAL, ANARCHIC, ANARCHICAL.
ARCHAEALarchaeal adj. (Microbiology) Relating to the archaea.
ARCHAEAL adj. relating to the archaea, an order of prokaryotic microorganisms, also ARCHAEAN, ARCHAEON, ARCHEAN.
ARCHIVALarchival adj. Of or pertaining to an archive or archiving.
archival adj. Of a material: having a quality suited to the conservational needs of archiving.
archival n. (Uncountable) The practice of storing items in an archive; archiving; (countable) an instance of this.
BRACHIALbrachial adj. Pertaining or belonging to the arm.
brachial adj. Of the nature of an arm.
brachial n. (Zoology) Denoting the upper valve of a brachiopod’s shell.
CHARCOALcharcoal n. (Countable, uncountable) impure carbon obtained by destructive distillation of wood or other organic…
charcoal n. (Countable) A stick of black carbon material used for drawing.
charcoal n. (Countable) A drawing made with charcoal.
CHARLADYcharlady n. (Chiefly archaic or historical) A woman who cleans houses and offices as an occupation.
CHARLADY n. a cleaning woman.
CLARSACHclarsach n. A small triangular wire-strung harp of Gaelic origin.
CLARSACH n. (Gaelic) a Scottish folk harp, also CLAIRSCHACH.
DIARCHALdiarchal adj. Relating to, or pertaining to, diarchy or a diarchy system.
DIARCHAL adj. relating to a diarchy, rulership by two people, also DIARCHIC, DYARCHAL, DYARCHIC, DYARCHICAL.
DYARCHALdyarchal adj. Alternative spelling of diarchal.
DYARCHAL adj. relating to a dyarchy, government by two persons, also DIARCHAL, DIARCHIC, DYARCHIC, DYARCHICAL.
EXARCHALexarchal adj. Of or relating to an exarch.
EXARCHAL adj. relating to an exarch, the rank below patriarch in the Eastern church.
RACHILLArachilla n. (Botany) The part of a spikelet, in grasses and sedges, that bears the florets.
rachilla n. (Botany) A rachis of secondary or higher order in leaves and ferns that are compound more than once.
RACHILLA n. (Greek) the central stalk or axis of a grass spikelet, also RHACHILLA.
RHACHIALRHACHIAL adj. pertaining to the spinal column.
RUGALACHrugalach n. Alternative spelling of rugelach.
RUGALACH n. (Yiddish) in Jewish cooking, small crescent-shaped pastries filled with fruit, nuts etc., also RUGELACH, RUGGELACH.
THORACALthoracal adj. Thoracic.
THORACAL adj. relating to a thorax.
TRACHEALtracheal adj. (Anatomy, relational) Of or pertaining to the trachea.
TRACHEAL adj. relating to the trachea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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