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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, F, L and T

CALCTUFAcalctufa n. Calcite; calcspar.
calc-tufa n. Tufa.
CALCTUFA n. a rock made of fine volcanic detritus, also TOPH, TOPHE, TUFA.
CALIFATEcalifate n. Alternative form of caliphate.
CATFALLScatfalls n. Plural of catfall.
CATFALL n. a rope used in hoisting the anchor to the cathead.
CATFLAPScatflaps n. Plural of catflap.
cat-flaps n. Plural of cat-flap.
cat␣flaps n. Plural of cat flap.
FALCATEDfalcated adj. Hooked or bent like a sickle; as, a falcate leaf; a falcate claw; -- said also of the moon, or a planet…
FALCATED adj. curved and tapering to a point, also FALCATE.
FLATBACKflatback n. A chelonid turtle, Natator depressus, with low-domed carapace, endemic to the continental shelf of Australia.
FLATBACK n. a pottery figure with a flat back.
FLATCAPSflatcaps n. Plural of flatcap.
flat␣caps n. Plural of flat cap.
FLATCAP n. a low-crowned hat worn by London citizens in the 16th and 17th centuries.
FLATCARSflatcars n. Plural of flatcar.
FLATCAR n. a railway car without sides or roof.
FLATPACKflatpack n. (Uncountable, attributive) self-assembly furniture.
flatpack n. (Electronics) A surface-mounted circuit board with leads attached in the plane of the board.
flat␣pack adj. (Typically with regard to furniture) able to be constructed from flat pre-cut sections.
FRACTALSfractals n. Plural of fractal.
FRACTAL n. a complex geometric curve.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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