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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, E, T and V

ACERVATEacervate adj. (Chiefly botany, rare) Heaped, or growing in heaps, or closely compacted clusters.
acervate v. (Obsolete) To heap up.
ACERVATE adj. heaped.
ACTIVATEactivate v. (Transitive) To encourage development or induce increased activity; to stimulate.
activate v. (Transitive) To put a device, mechanism (Alarm etc.) or system into action or motion; to trigger, to…
activate v. (Transitive, chemistry, physics) To render more reactive; excite.
ADVOCATEadvocate n. Someone whose job is to speak for someone’s case in a court of law; a counsel.
advocate n. Anyone who argues the case of another; an intercessor.
advocate n. A person who speaks in support of something, or someone.
CAVATINEcavatine n. Alternative form of cavatina.
CAVATINA n. (Italian) a short operatic air.
CAVEATEDcaveated v. Simple past tense and past participle of caveat.
CAVEAT v. (Latin) to enter a type of legal notice.
CAVEATORcaveator n. One who enters a caveat.
CAVEATOR n. one that files a caveat.
CAVITATEcavitate v. (Sciences) To form vapour bubbles in a flowing liquid in a region where the pressure of the liquid falls…
CAVITATE v. to form cavities.
CLAVATEDclavated adj. Clavate; club-shaped.
CLAVATED adj. shaped like a club, also CLAVATE.
CRAVATESCRAVATE n. a scarf or band worn as necktie, also CRAVAT.
EVACUANTevacuant adj. Laxative.
evacuant n. Something used to clean out an organ system, especially the bowels.
evacuant n. A laxative.
EVACUATEevacuate v. (Transitive) To leave or withdraw from; to quit; to retire from.
evacuate v. To cause (or help) to leave or withdraw from.
evacuate v. To make empty; to empty out; to remove the contents of, including to create a vacuum.
EXCAVATEexcavate v. (Transitive) To make a hole in (something); to hollow.
excavate v. (Transitive) To remove part of (something) by scooping or digging it out.
excavate v. (Transitive) To uncover (something) by digging.
VACUATEDvacuated v. Simple past tense and past participle of vacuate.
VACUATE v. (obsolete) to make void, or empty, also EVACUATE.
VACUATESvacuates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vacuate.
VACUATE v. (obsolete) to make void, or empty, also EVACUATE.
VICARATEvicarate n. The territory for which a vicar is responsible.
VICARATE n. the office or authority of a vicar, also VICARIATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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