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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, E, L and U

ACAULINEacauline adj. (Botany) acaulescent.
ACAULINE adj. having a very short stem, also ACAULOSE, ACAULOUS.
ACAULOSEacaulose adj. Acaulous.
ACAULOSE adj. having a very short stem, also ACAULINE, ACAULOUS.
ACICULAEaciculae n. Plural of acicula.
ACICULA n. (Latin) a needlelike bristle or spine.
ACULEATEaculeate adj. Having a sting; sharp like a prickle.
aculeate adj. Having prickles or sharp points.
aculeate adj. (Entomology) Having a stinger; stinging.
CAESURALcaesural adj. Of or pertaining to a caesura.
cæsural adj. Archaic form of caesural.
CAESURAL adj. relating to a caesura.
CANNULAEcannulae n. Plural of cannula.
cannulæ n. Plural of cannula.
CANNULA n. (Latin) a tube inserted into a bodily cavity, also CANULA.
CANULATEcanulate v. Alternative form of cannulate.
CANULATE v. to insert a canula into, also CANNULATE.
CAUSABLEcausable adj. (Rare) That may be caused.
CAUSABLE adj. able to be caused.
EULACHANeulachan n. Alternative form of eulachon.
EULACHAN n. (Native American) the north Pacific candlefish, also EULACHON, OOLACHAN, OOLAKAN, OOLICHAN, OULACHON, OULAKAN, ULICON, ULIKON.
FALCULAEFALCULA n. (Latin) a claw bent like a sickle.
JACULATEjaculate v. To throw or cast, as a dart; to throw out; to emit.
JACULATE v. to throw or cast, as a dart.
LACUNATElacunate adj. Having lacunae or gaps.
LACUNATE adj. relating to a lacuna, a gap, also LACUNAL, LACUNARY.
MACULATEmaculate v. To spot; to stain; to blur.
maculate adj. Marked with spots or maculae; blotched.
maculate adj. Defiled; impure.
SCAPULAEscapulae n. Plural of scapula.
SCAPULA n. (Latin) a bone in the shoulder.
TENACULAtenacula n. Plural of tenaculum.
TENACULUM n. (Latin) a surgical hook or forceps.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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