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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing 2A, C, D, H and L

CATHODALcathodal adj. (Biochemistry) Attracted towards a cathode.
CEPHALADcephalad adv. (Anatomy) Towards the head (or anterior extremity), a direction that in humans corresponds to superior.
CEPHALAD adv. towards the head.
CHALANEDchalaned v. Simple past tense and past participle of chalan.
CHALAN v. (Urdu) in India, to cause (an accused person) to appear before a magistrate.
CHARLADYcharlady n. (Chiefly archaic or historical) A woman who cleans houses and offices as an occupation.
CHARLADY n. a cleaning woman.
CHILLADACHILLADA n. (Spanish) in Mexican cookery, a spiced fried cake made from pureed vegetables.
CLADDAGHCladdagh prop.n. An area in Galway.
Claddagh n. Claddagh ring.
CLADDAGH n. (Irish) an Irish ring with two hands clasping, traditionally given as a token of affection.
DIARCHALdiarchal adj. Relating to, or pertaining to, diarchy or a diarchy system.
DIARCHAL adj. relating to a diarchy, rulership by two people, also DIARCHIC, DYARCHAL, DYARCHIC, DYARCHICAL.
DYARCHALdyarchal adj. Alternative spelling of diarchal.
DYARCHAL adj. relating to a dyarchy, government by two persons, also DIARCHAL, DIARCHIC, DYARCHIC, DYARCHICAL.
HANDCLAPhandclap n. A single clap of the hands.
HANDCLAP n. a sound made by striking the hands together.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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